Artist lists potential launch windows for Insomniac’s Wolverine and Sony Bend’s next game
The titles could be targeting 2024 and 2025 release windows respectively

A concept artist has listed potential launch windows for two upcoming Sony Interactive Entertainment games on their ArtStation page.
According to Resetera, concept artist Hung Nguy listed a 2024 release window for Insomniac’s Wolverine and a 2025 launch window for Bend Studio’s next project on ArtStation, which is a website used by artists to showcase their portfolios and network.
However, since coming to light, mention of both Sony projects has been scrubbed from Nguy’s profile, which currently lists Company of Heroes 3, The Quarry, and Sony’s Demon’s Souls remake among his credits.
The Wolverine game was announced in September 2021, as was Insomniac’s recently released Spider-Man 2, at which point it was claimed that the former was in “very early development”.
While it takes place in the same universe as the studio’s Spider-Man games, Wolverine is billed as a standalone title directed by Brian Horton and Cameron Christian, who were the creative leads on Miles Morales.
Giant Bomb previously reported that Sony was targeting either a fall 2024 or a 2025 release window for the game.

PlayStation Studios boss Herman Hulst said in 2021 that Bend was working on a new IP that would build on the open-world gameplay of zombie shooter Days Gone.
Bend said last year that the game would feature multiplayer and “a whole new world” the studio was crafting.
Spider-Man 2 was released last month for PS5 and sold over five million copies during its first 11 days of availability, Sony said last week.
The company also confirmed that it had halved the number of live service games it’s planning to release by March 2026, from 12 to six.