Apex Legends season one introduces first new character
EA adopts Fortnite’s Battle Pass model

Apex Legends’ first season will start on March 19 and introduce the game’s first new character, publisher EA has announced.
Named ‘Wild Frontier’, season one will introduce the legend Octane, who EA says is a character “searching for the ultimate adrenaline rush by using his death-defying moves to become an Apex Champion”.
It wrote on the PlayStation blog: “His Adrenaline Junkie ability lets him trade health for speed, and an endless supply of Stim health regeneration means he’s always ready for action. His Launch Pad Ultimate Ability lets his squad fly through the air with the greatest of ease.”
Season 1 will also introduce a variety of character skins, banner frames, XP boosts and Apex coins.
In a similar model to genre leader Fortnite, players will need to purchase a Battle Pass (costing 950 Apex Coins or around $9.99 / £8) in order to unlock season one rewards each time they level up, with more than 100 unlockables available.
Again similar to Fortnite, a premium ‘Battle Pass Bundle’ is also available for 2800 Apex Coins (about $30 / £24) which will automatically unlock a player’s next 25 Battle Pass levels and their rewards.
Those who don’t purchase a Battle Pass will be limited to unlocking a single Wild Frontier Legend skin, five Apex Packs and 18 Wild Frontier stat trackers. However, these players will still level up and will be retroactively rewarded for each level they progress should they decide to purchase a Battle Pass later on.
The purchase of a Battle Pass will also instantly unlock the Lifeline Revolutionary skin, the Wraith Survivor skin, and the Mirage Outlaw skin. You can see the full list of rewards over on the Apex website.