Apex Legends season 2 start date and new Legend revealed
Battle royale game also adding a fresh weapon and ranked mode
Respawn has confirmed that Apex Legends’ second season of content will begin on July 2.
Titled Battle Charge, it’ll introduce a new Legend, a fresh weapon and a new way to play the game, among other features.
The new Legend is Natalie ‘Wattson’ Paquette, a skilled engineer who built the Apex Games’ Modified Containment Ring.
Respawn says: “She now fights alongside her friends in the arena she helped build, destroying incoming missiles, recharging shields, creating fences, and using her pylon to silence fights that get too loud. Nobody knows the arena better than Wattson – anyone who underestimates her is in for a shock.”
Season two will also introduce a new weapon, the L-Star, which executive producer Drew McCoy said is only dropped in care packages due to the fact it’s so “overpowered”.
Apex Legends is getting a ranked mode too, enabling players to progress through six tiers, from Bronze to Apex Predator.
McCoy also teased an upcoming “map event” which has been linked to the alien wildlife found in Kings Canyon.
Respawn recently confirmed Apex Legends season two will introduce daily and weekly challenges that contribute to a player’s levelling, and that the time to reach Battle Pass level 100 should overall be significantly reduced.
The game’s first season, Wild Frontier, launched in March 2019 and was criticised by some players for a lack of meaningful content.