Apex Legends’ Launch Royale mode takes the game back to the beginning

The time limited mode features the original map, Legends, weapons and more

Apex Legends’ Launch Royale mode takes the game back to the beginning

Apex Legends Season 23: From the Rift launches today with a new mode that recreates the battle royale’s launch state from 2019.

“This new LTM drops you right into that original experience, complete with original everything: weapons, Legends, abilities, ruleset, and map,” Respawn senior community manager Amy Thiessen said in a PlayStation Blog post. “Conquer Launch Royale Challenges to unlock Legends and earn rewards like Apex Packs and more.

“Evo Armor and Ability Upgrades? Nope, not here. Just a blast from the past for those who were here on day zero and a brand-new experience for those who missed out. There’s never been a better time to jump in and see where Legends were born.”

Season 23 also provides combat medic Lifeline with new abilities, and introduces a new universal melee cosmetic called Raptor’s Claw.

Players should be on the lookout for Rift Relics too, powerful new items which will spontaneously appear across matches.

“Pick up the EPG-1 Launcher with splash damage and rocket-jumping capabilities, and unleash exotic Hop-Ups like Lifesteal, which heals with every hit,” said Thiessen. “If survival is more your gameplan, then lookout for the new survival item: Boost Kits.”

EA said last week that it’s planning to make significant changes to Apex Legends designed to address a decline in player engagement and missed revenue targets, but suggested developing a sequel isn’t the solution.

“We do have a moment right now where we are managing the current trajectory of the business,” CEO Andrew Wilson acknowledged during the company’s second quarter earnings call.

Apex Legends’ Launch Royale mode takes the game back to the beginning

“But we believe by virtue of the strength of the brand, the size of the global community, the position we hold in the top tier of these free-to-play live service games, that we’ll be able to return that to growth in the business side over the course of time.”

Last November, tens of millions of players flocked to Fortnite to check out a new season called Fortnite OG, which gave fans a trip down memory lane by taking Epic’s game back to different phases of Chapter 1.

FIFA 23 - Standard Edition (Xbox One)
FIFA 23 - Legacy Edition (Switch)
Xbox Series X Digital
Nintendo Switch (OLED Model) - Neon Blue/Neon Red
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