Apex Legend is finally adding cross progression in Season 19
The latest season will also introduce new Legend Conduit and update the Storm Point map

Respawn will introduce cross progression for Apex Legends with the launch of Season 19 this month.
In an FAQ, the studio said players will be phased in over a period of time in order to ensure stability for the mandatory new feature.
“Due to the nature of merging accounts across platforms, various aspects of Apex Legends (Apex Coins, Crafting Materials, etc.) will be impacted differently,” it explained.
“Except for some notable exceptions, all content (including unlocked Legends and cosmetics) is available on all platforms regardless of the platform they were originally unlocked on.”
While Apex Coins acquired on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation will be merged into a single wallet and can be spent on any of these platforms, Apex Coins on Switch will remain separate as they can only be spent on Nintendo’s console.
“However, new non-exclusive content purchased on the Nintendo Switch is shared with all platforms—and vice versa.”
Ignite will also introduce a new Legend, Conduit. Her Passive ability, Savior’s Speed, sees her gain a burst of speed when running towards a teammate out of Tactical range.
Conduit’s Tactical ability, Radiant Transfer, sends a surge of energy to a teammate generating temporary shields for them and Conduit when in danger, while her Ultimate, Energy Barricade, deploys an array of shield jamming devices which damage and slow enemies.
Ignite will also feature an update to the Storm Point map. Its overall size is being reduced “to improve mid-game pacing” and help players find action more quickly.
New “attractive, central POIs for players searching for combat” will include Wattson’s Pylon and CETO Station, with the latter replacing Prowler Island.