Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey video focuses on exploration
Check out the new game from Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Désilets

Panache Digital Games has released a new Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey video focused on one of its main gameplay pillars, exploration.
Ancestors is a third-person open world survival game which sees players “explore, expand and evolve through the critical stages of early human evolution”.
It’s the brainchild of Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Désilets, who’s the creative director and co-founder of Panache.
Featuring new gameplay footage, the video introduces players to core survival skills and some of the threats they’ll encounter as they explore Neogene Africa 10 million years ago.
The first in a three-part series, the video will be followed “soon” by two others, presumably focusing on the expansion and evolution gameplay elements.
“Ancestors is not about unfolding the mission we’ve put out there for you,” Désilets says. “Your curiosity is driving the show because in The Humankind Odyssey there’s no mini-map, there’s no map at all.
“It was important for us that the player is actually again the one mapping, the one discovering, the one exploring, and not us helping them through the journey, that odyssey, a lot.
“You’ll have to really go down into your instinct in order to play the game. The more you’re curious and you test and experiment, you’ll see the game opening up to you.”
Ancestors will be released in 2019 by new Take-Two publishing label Private Division. It’ll be available on PS4, Xbox One and on PC exclusively through the Epic Games store, before hitting other PC digital distribution platforms after a year.