She got some buffs in the build after evo
— Tony Huynh (@Tony_Huynh) July 31, 2022
An upcoming MultiVersus update will buff Wonder Woman
Character changes are coming after EVO 2022

Player First Games has said it’s going to buff Wonder Woman in an upcoming MultiVersus update.
While not providing specific details on the planned changes, MultiVersus game director Tony Huynh said the studio will increase Wonder Woman’s abilities after EVO 2022, which is taking place from August 5-7.
“She got some buffs in the build after evo,” he said, in response to requests from players on Twitter.
Huynh confirmed last week that Player First Games also plans to nerf Bugs Bunny in a post-Evo update.
A MultiVersus patch released last Friday included changes to Batman’s Bat-Grapple, and fixes for the knockback from Steven Universe‘s neutral air attack and Iron Giant‘s Air Down Special infinite.
On the same day MultiVersus players unlocked a Rick & Morty-themed stage after completing a community challenge.
Warner launched the MultiVersus open beta on July 26. It’s available for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One with full cross-play support.
At launch the MultiVersus open beta included 17 characters, nine maps and eight modes.
An end date has not been set for the beta, which will “continue to get updated with new characters, maps, seasonal content, and more in the months ahead”, suggesting any ‘final’ release will simply come as an update to the existing software.
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