Amazon has announced New World’s first expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth

It will introduce mounts and a new weapon, raise the level cap and more

Amazon has announced New World’s first expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth

Amazon has announced the first expansion for its open world MMO New World.

Titled Rise of the Angry Earth and set for release on October 3, 2023, it will introduce mounts and a new weapon, while raising the level cap to 65, among other features.

The expansion will cost $29.99 and require the base game. New players will be able to pick up both together for $69.99 as part of the New World: Elysian Edition bundle.

“In New World: Rise of the Angry Earth, the southeastern tip of Aeternum, formerly known as First Light, has fallen,” Amazon said. “Once a welcoming place for newcomers to Aeternum, the fields have been ravaged by the fury of Artemis and the Angry Earth.

“No one is certain what has become of the people and villages that once populated the area, and a deadly barrier has kept all but the most intrepid from attempting to find out.

“This abundance of earthly powers has awakened the mighty Beast Lords, a new possible adversary facing the people of Aeternum… but with them also comes a boon – the secret to taming and riding animals.”

Rise of the Angry Earth will launch alongside New World Season 3, which will introduce a new Season Journey, Activity Card, Challenges, events and rewards.

Rise of the Angry Earth features

  • Mounts: Summon a mount for faster traversal across Aeternum. Master horses, dire wolves, and lions, each with a unique look, dyeable equipment and a name you can set. Level up the new Riding Trade Skill to earn upgrades like increased speeds, buffs, and higher-tier consumable food for your new friend
  • New progression-level, gear score, and more: Increase your character’s level to 65 and Gear Score to 700 withnew attributes to help power up your builds. Increase Trade Skills to level 250 with new items to gather, refine and craft. Complete a new Faction Quest and unlock a new Faction tier loaded with desirable gear and items
  • New Gear Rarity: Find and equip Artifacts, a powerful new tier of weapons and armor. Complete a series ofquests and awaken the Artifact’s full potential byunlocking its six perks including one unique playstyle-definingperk to change your game.
  • New Weapon-Flail: A new, versatile one-handed weaponwith the option for an offhand shield. Use arcanemagic to enhance attacks and buff allies or debuff enemies.
  • A Zone Transformed-Elysian Wilds: The southeastern tip of Aeternum, formerly known as First Light, has beeninvaded by the powers of Artemis and the Angry Earth. Explore the raised structures of this magical newlandscape and battle the ferocious beasts that have taken refuge in the verdant, unsettled terrain.
  • New Expedition – The Savage Divide: Embark on a dangerous new Level 62+ Expedition to track down the primordial Beast Lords before chaos emerges from the depths of Aeternum.
  • New Heartrune Ability – Primal Fury: Unleash your inner beast to deal unarmed light and heavy attacks on enemies
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