Age of Empires 4 has been released for Xbox consoles and Game Pass
The strategy game makes the jump from PC to consoles

Age of Empires 4: Anniversary Edition has been released for Xbox consoles.
Developed by Relic Entertainment and World’s Edge, the game is published by Microsoft for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Game Pass.
“Enjoy innovative ways to play one of the most beloved strategy games ever with optimizations for Xbox controller, console-specific user interface, and new tutorials designed for first time players to help achieve easy setup and success,” says Microsoft. “Additionally, if you prefer playing with a keyboard and mouse you can easily plug directly into your console.
“Age of Empires IV is an inviting experience for new players with a console- specific tutorial system that teaches the essence of real-time strategy and a Campaign Story Mode designed for first time players to help achieve easy setup and success, yet is challenging enough for veteran players with new game mechanics, evolved strategies, and combat techniques.”
Age of Empires 4 was released for PC in October 2021.
We wrote in our review: “Age of Empires IV is a really good RTS that plays it safe in the shadow of its famous predecessor, but rarely stands out on its own beyond that.
“The early game has never felt smoother, and the changes to UI and animation are welcome. While the win conditions aren’t endless, the stories of how you achieved them, or failed miserably trying, are.”