Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp has been delayed until Spring 2022
The WayForward-developed remake was set to release in December

Nintendo has announced that Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp has been delayed.
The remake of the much-loved Game Boy Advance strategy games was originally planned to be released on December 3.
However, Nintendo of America confirmed on Twitter that the game has now been pushed back to next year.
“Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp, which was set to launch on December 3, will now release for Nintendo Switch in Spring 2022,” it explained.
“The game just needs a little more time for fine tuning. You’ll be battling with Andy & friends soon! Thanks for your patience.”
Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp will feature remade versions of the original Game Boy Advance strategy campaigns, “reimagined and rebuilt from the ground up”.
Following the game’s announcement during Nintendo Direct on Monday, River City Girls and DuckTales: Remastered studio WayForward confirmed it was the developer. “It’s a thrill to help bring this beloved series to Switch!” it said.
The original Advance Wars was released on the Game Boy Advance in 2001, and was developed by Intelligent Systems.
It tells the story of the nation of Orange Star, which finds itself embroiled in a war against its neighbouring faction, Blue Moon, and the subsequent involvement of nearby nations Yellow Comet and Green Earth.
Players have to win each turn-based battle by either destroying every enemy unit on a map, or by taking over the enemy’s headquarters.