Dude was basically invisible behind this light.
byu/Metalmario182 inCODWarzone
A Warzone 2 skin dubbed ‘Roze 2.0’ is currently one of Steam’s best-selling products
The original Roze skin was controversial for making players difficult to spot

A new Call of Duty Warzone 2 skin that appears to give players a notable competitive edge in certain situations is currently one of Steam’s best-selling products.
On Tuesday, Activision released 12 Call of Duty League team packs, one for each team in the esports league.
Priced at $9.99 / £8.39, each pack includes new male and female operator skins in home and away variants, a team weapon camo, team icon vinyl sticker, animated calling card, weapon sticker, and emblem.
While many of the skins are brightly coloured, the Los Angeles Thieves pack contains a largely black skin, which can make the wearer incredibly difficult for opponents to spot in dark areas of the game, as shown in the video below.
At the time of publication, the LA Thieves Pack is the 27th best-selling product on Steam globally ranked by revenue, with no other Call of Duty League packs appearing in the top 100.
“Make sure you guys head to the store and pick up the only skin that gives you a competitive advantage,” tweeted LA Thieves player Sam ‘Octane’ Larew.
While some players have suggested Warzone 2’s improved lighting and desert-themed map should negate the perceived competitive advantage offered by the skin, others are comparing it to the controversial ‘Roze’ cosmetic that was released for the original Warzone as part of Modern Warfare’s premium battle pass in 2020.
Warzone developer Raven Software subsequently moved to combat criticism of the Roze skin with updates to its visibility that made it appear brighter on screen the further away it is.
The studio has yet to publicly address complaints about the LA Thieves skin, but it wouldn’t be surprising if changes are made to the cosmetic in a future update should it prove to unbalance the game.
On Thursday, Activision launched Modern Warfare 2’s delayed competitive multiplayer playlist, CDL Moshpit.
Acting as a dry run for Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play, which itself won’t arrive until 2023, CDL Moshpit was originally scheduled to arrive on November 16 as part of the game’s first season of live content.