An Elden Ring player has managed to enter the game’s hidden colosseum
Two new enemies have also been found

An Elden Ring player has found a way to enter the game’s mysterious colosseum.
Earlier this year we reported that Lance McDonald had managed to use a mod to peek inside the walls of the huge locked colosseums in Elden Ring.
But now, a fellow Souls modder named Sekiro Dubi has been able to mod Elden Ring further, allowing him to explore the colosseum’s interior, uncovering two hidden enemies and a new Site of Grace.
By exploring the colosseum, Sekiro Dubi reveals that there’s a Site of Grace within the entrance to the arena, confirming that the player was supposed to visit this area at one point in development.
It is possible to rest at the site of grace, though the Site of Grace menu displays the location as “?PlaceName?”. However, Dubi points out that due to leaked Network Test files, it’s likely that the internal name for the Site of Grace is “Leyndell Colosseum”.
The arena also features two unfinished enemies known as “Gladiator Large” and “Old Lion of the Arena”, which as Dubi points out, plays into the lore of the location based on other items in the game. It’s said that the colosseum was a place where warriors tested themselves against beasts.
It’s currently unclear whether or not players will ever get to visit the arena as part of official DLC, but so far it’s the most complete area found by dataminers that’s completely inaccessible via normal means.
The lore around the game would suggest that in order to visit the colosseum in its prime, the player would have to time travel, something that may not necessarily be out of the question for potential future DLC.