A free update for Ace Combat 7 adds new skins and classic Ace Combat music

Three new skins and six new music tracks are added along with some bug fixes

A free update for Ace Combat 7 adds new skins and classic Ace Combat music

A new free update for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown adds six classic pieces of music from previous Ace Combat games.

The update, which is available now, also adds three new skins for players to use in either Campaign mode (once it’s been completed) or multiplayer.

The three skins are:

  • F-2A 6SQ 60th Anniversary Skin
  • F-15J Komatsu Special Mark 2017 Skin
  • 301SQ F-4 Final Year 2020 Skin
A free update for Ace Combat 7 adds new skins and classic Ace Combat music
The 301SQ F-4 Final Year 2020 skin is one of the three new skins in the update

The six new music tracks span the history of the Ace Combat series, and are as follows:

  • Mayhem (Roca Roja) – Ace Combat Zero
  • Rendezvous (Fort Grays Island) – Ace Combat 5
  • Blockade (Yinshi Valley, Night) – Ace Combat 4
  • Glacial Skies (Waiapolo Mountains) – Ace Combat Zero
  • Transparent Blue (Yinshi Valley, Morning) – Ace Combat 3
  • Naval Warfare (Anchorhead Bay) – Ace Combat Assault Horizon

The update also makes a number of small bug fixes, including “miscellaneous text updates,” updated skin designs for some aircraft and the fixing of “other minor issues”.

A new game in the Ace Combat series is currently in development.

The news was announced during a 25th anniversary Ace Combat retrospective event broadcast on the official Ace Combat YouTube channel.

A free update for Ace Combat 7 adds new skins and classic Ace Combat music
The F-15J Komatsu Special Mark 2017 Skin is another of the three new skins included

The new game will be a joint production between Bandai Namco and ILCA, which worked on cinematics and environments for Ace Combat 7.

Ace Combat series producer Kazutoki Kono concluded the 25th anniversary event by saying (translated by Gematsu): “More than anything, I hope fans are happy to know that the next game is underway.”

“With this new staff, we’re creating a new Ace Combat, a new era. I don’t know where we’ll be in the next 25 years, but the Ace Combat series will continue, and to everyone who supports us and creates with me, I will continue to give it my all.”

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