A Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes demo is available now
Progress from the demo will carry over to the final game

Nintendo has released a Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes demo on the Nintendo Switch eshop.
While the full game will be released on June 24, the limited-time demo for the title is available now for all players.
It supports local co-op for two players and any progress made in the demo will carry forward into the full game when it’s available.
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Earlier today VGC published a Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes preview video showing off gameplay from the early areas of the game.
Three Hopes is a new story set in the same universe as 2019’s Three Houses.
Whereas Three Houses was a turn-based strategy game in the traditional Fire Emblem style, Three Hopes is another Dynasty Warriors style spin-off, much like 2017’s Fire Emblem Warriors.
Players take control of a new character called Shez, and join one of the world’s three houses, each of which has its own unique storyline.
A Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Limited Edition will include an artbook, a tapestry map of Fódlan, a set of five acrylic figurines and a character postcard set.
A second Fire Emblem game could launch this year, a recognised industry insider claimed in February.
Emily Rogers, who has a strong track record of accurate Nintendo reporting, said she believes a second Fire Emblem title is in development at Intelligent Systems and that it could arrive this year.