Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit location
Looking for the wingsuit location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom?

Looking for the wingsuit location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom?
The wingsuit is the best piece of armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom when it comes to directing your gliding across the map.
Known as the Glide set, there are three pieces of armor you’ll need to collect to get the full Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides:
Master Sword location | How to increase inventory space | How to increase hearts and stamina | How to get warm clothes | Wingsuit location | Hylian Shield location | Duplication glitch
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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit location

The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit is a set of armor that allows you to move far quicker in the air in all directions.
The wingsuit is made up of three pieces:
- The Glide Shirt
- The Glide Mask
- The Glide Leggings
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit location: The Glide Shirt

The Glide Shirt can be found very close to Lookout Landing, just off to the west of the area, which is the first area you find when you land in Hyrule. In order to reach one of these sky islands, you’re going to have to use Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower.
Launch yourself into the sky and look for the oddly shaped rocks (pictured below), these are the telltale signs across the map that you’re going to have to participate in a dive ceremony, which is the way you get each of these items.

Head to the bottom of these rocks and you’ll find a small platform with one Zonai on it. Speak to them and you’ll be asked to participate in the dive ceremony, which sees you fly through rings in the shortest amount of time possible.
You don’t have to get the record time in order to get the item, but if you do you’ll be given a large Zonai charge as an extra reward.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit location: The Glide Mask

The Glide Mask can be found on a floating island to the northeast of the Mount Lanaryu Skyview Tower. Like the shirt, you’ll haveto do a dive ceremony in order to collect this second piece of fetching armor.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wingsuit location: The Glide Tights

Finally, The Glide Tights can be found on Bravery Island, which is most easily accessed via the Thyphlo Ruins in the most northern part of the map.
You’re going to want to make sure you have plenty of stamina in order to reach these islands even after you’ve been launched from the tower, so make sure you’ve read up on how to increase your stamina in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Now equip all the items and you’ll have level 10 armor that also makes traversing the sky a breeze.
The challenges themselves are extremely simple, especially once you start to accumulate other pieces of the armor, making traversal much easier.