Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Lost Woods guide: How to get through the Lost Woods
How to make it through the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

So you’ve tried to get through the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and you’re… well, lost.
Thankfully we have a full guide on how to get through the Lost Woods and reach the Deku Tree.
This is part of the last large quest in the game, but like almost everything in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, with the right know-how, you can reach the Lost Woods whenever you want.
So read on to find out how to get through the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides:
Master Sword location | How to increase inventory space | How to increase hearts and stamina | How to get warm clothes | Wingsuit location | Hylian Shield location | Duplication glitch
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How to get through The Lost Woods

If you know your Zelda, you’ve almost certainly tried to get through The Lost Woods before you’re supposed to as part of the story, likely with not much success.
Whether walking in from the path that leads you into the forest or dropping in from above, Link will be returned to the entrance of the Lost Woods.
So, in order to enter the Lost Woods, you actually have to go in from underneath the Lost Woods, via the depths.

First stop of the Minshi Woods Chasm, which is just up the road from the entrance to the Lost Woods. Head down here. You’re going to want to make sure you have plenty of bright bloom seeds in order to do this part, as it’s very dark.
Now you have to navigate towards the center of the woods. You can check where you are in relation to the overworld map at any time, so we recommend setting down a marker and just heading in that direction until you begin to see what looks like a temple.

Once you’re at 0438, 2095, -0588 you’ll be in the right place. You’ll find a small white temple that’ll have a low roof. You’re going to use ascend on that in a minute, however, we’d also recommend going to the Lightroot next to it.

Once you’ve done this you’ll pop up in Kork Forest, right in front of the Dekku tree, meaning you can now continue the quest on the way to getting the Master Sword. That’s how you make it through the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
The Lost Woods: The Master Sword
Once you make it through The Lost Woods, you’ll be well on your way to finding the Master Sword, however, the way to find it in Tears of the Kingdom is fairly different from how it’s done in Breath of the Wild.
The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Master Sword location is actually shown to you very early in the game, but if you’re going to go after it before you’re told to, you better make sure you’re ready.
Can you skydive into The Lost Woods
If you’ve noticed the huge amount of fog on the map from above, you may have been tempted to try to skydive into the Lost Woods.
However, Nintendo thought of that. If you manage to get above The Lost Woods, and then descend into it, you’ll get somewhat close to The Lost Woods but then you’ll be sent back to the entrance of The Lost Woods.