Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Hylian Shield location
How to find the Hyrulian Shield in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Looking for the Hylian Shield in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom? Look no further than this guide.
We’ve scoured the land of Hyrule high and low for the best shield in the game, and as it turns out, the Hylian Shield can be found within the first hour or so of the game.
However, it’s in an area that if you were just starting out the game it would be very unlikely for you to check.
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Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide: Hylian Shield location

The Hylian Shield in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom can be found in the Hyrule Docks.
This is a tricky area to get to, however, you can actually get it very early in the game if you know where to look, meaning you can play through the vast majority of the game with what, to our knowledge, is the best shield in the game.
First of all, you’re going have to have visited Lookout Landing after landing in Hyrule from the tutorial area, once you’ve done this, head towards Hyrule Castle.

Next, head to the area marked above on the map. It’s a set of battlements that can be accessed by the road up to Hyrule castle, although you may have to do some creative floating in order to get to it.
If you look at the image above and notice where Link is facing, that’s the direction you want to head in. There’s even a small gravel path that looks different from the ground around you that will show the way.
Once there, you’re going to want to drop down onto the ledge below, which will be a very short glide. It’s directly under the gravel path you’re on, so just slowly lower yourself into the cave.
If you’re floating for more than a few seconds, you’ve overshot it and you’ll have to climb back up.

Once you’ve floated down, you’ll be in long corridor, at the end of which you’ll find a room full of torches.
You need to light one of your arrows on fire with the torches and shoot it at the central plinth, which will then ignite.
Doing this will produce a treasure chest, and inside the chest will be the Hylian Shield.

It has a base defense of 90, which can obviously be increased using Fuse. Enjoy!
Why not pair it with the Master Sword for the complete look.