Zelda Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower solution
How to open the Tears of the Kingdom tower and expand your map via the Sahasra Slope cave

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower is one of the tricker tower solutions during the early part of the game.
The tower is located in West Necluda and is notable for the fact that the player will be unable to open its door in order to expand their map.
Instead, Link will find a character called Billson standing in front of the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower, who will tell him that he’s been unable to open the door.
How do you unlock the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower? Read on for our guide and solution for the Tears of the Kingdom puzzle.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides:
Master Sword location | How to increase inventory space | How to increase hearts and stamina | How to get warm clothes | Wingsuit location | Hylian Shield location | Duplication glitch
How to open the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower
In order to open the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower and expand your map, you’ll need to explore around the hill it resides on and access the Sahasra Slope cave.
Inside you’ll find a lot of rocks that need smashing, so make sure to equip an item capable of doing so. Alternatively, there are plenty of items inside you’ll be able to fuse in order to do so, such as a rock and a club. Alternatively, Bomb Flowers can do the job.
There are some enemy goblins inside the cave, so make sure to watch which direction you’re smashing towards.
Once the cave is cleared of rocks and enemies, you’ll want to find the entrance blocked by a large rock, pictured below:

This is located at roughly the coordinates 1343, -1179, 0131. Standing in front of this rock, you’ll want to use the Ascend ability in order to jump through the ceiling, popping out right inside of the Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower entrance.
Once successfully inside, remove the long stick from the right side of the door, which will let Billson inside to fix the terminal, allowing you to activate it and expand your map on your Purah Pad.