Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower solution

How to enter the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower

Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower solution

Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower requires a puzzle to enter in Tears of the Kingdom.

Luckily, we have the solution for the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower right here. This tower, which is found in the far southeast of the map, is one of the towers that requires a puzzle to be solved before you can enter it.

While the solution for what you need to do to enter the tower is similar to that of an iconic shrine from the first game, the environment of the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower makes it more difficult.

But read on and you’ll know just how to get into the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower with no issues.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides:

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Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower location

Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower solution

The Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower can be found in the southeast of the map, and will likely be one of the final towers that you unlock. It’s buried behind some pretty dangerous terrain if you’re not equipt with decent weapons and a good amount of stamina, so some players may not want to venture here until you’re a bit higher level.

Located behind Mount Taran, the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower is also unique in the sense that no matter when you approach the tower, it will automatically trigger the torrential rain weather effect. This is in part due to the nature of the puzzle which keeps Link from Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower.

Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower solution

Zelda Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower solution

The Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower is covered in thorns when you first approach it. You’ll also notice that there’s a large number of building materials around you and a scaffolding structure.

You’ll probably know that in order to destroy thorns in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you need to use fire, but in order for them to burn, they can’t be wet. So, the puzzle here is making sure that the thorns are on fire and then setting them alight.

There are a few ways you can do this. We’d recommend building a large canopy with the flat bits of wood in order to cover the thorns at the door (which are the only ones you need to burn, and then dropping some wood and some flint, and starting a fire right next to the thorns.

If the fire stays ignited, you have done it, and the fire will then spread to the thorns, and they’ll be destroyed. You’re then free to enter the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower.

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