Zelda Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower solution
Wondering how to enter the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower? We have the solution

Zelda Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is stuck deep under snow, so when you first approach it, you’ll probably be unsure how to enter it.
Thankfully, we have just the solution for entering the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower, meaning you can fully unlock the map.
However, Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is pretty unique in the sense that it requires you to explore a whole new area in order to get to the entrance. Thankfully, we can show you exactly where to go.
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Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower location

The Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower can be found north of Gerudo Town in the west of the map.
It’s one of the trickiest towers to get to because the surrounding area is largely very steep mountains, so we recommend making sure you’re stacked up on warm clothes and warm food before you head out, as you’ll also be dealing with unbearable cold once you’re there.
Once you’re in the hills Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower. This is likely to be a long climb and will require a lot of stamina, so we recommend upgrading your hearts and stamina before you head toward it.
Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower solution

The entrance to the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower is actually in a cave behind the tower. As you can see in the picture above, Meadale’s Mantle Cave is actually the place you’re looking to go. There’s an entrance behind the tower that leads you into a cave with a running river. Follow it down until you can see from your minimap that you’re directly underneath the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower.
You’ll have to use your abilities to move a wooden plank over the water so that you can then use the ascend ability to find yourself in Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower, then simply activate the tower and you’ll have a brand new fast travel spot.