Zelda Apogek Shrine guide
How to solve Wings on The Wind, the Apogek Shrine

Zelda Apogek Shrine is one of the many shrines in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom which are scattered all around Hyrule.
This shrine, the Apogek Shrine is tucked into the mountains and features a tricky puzzle all to do with flight, but with our guide, you should have no problem completing it.
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Apogek Shrine Location

Apogek Shrine can be found in the east of Hyrule, near Ruto Mountain.
The exact coordinates for Apogek Shrine are 3887, -0220, 0163.
Apogek Shrine Solution
In order to complete the Apogek, you have to complete a series of gliding tasks.
- First, use the Ultra hand to attach the ball to the front of the first glider.
- Then, move the glider so that it will slide off the rails.
- Jump on the back of it and slide towards the other side. This is where the fun begins.

- In the next area you’ll see plenty of fans, you’ll need those in a moment.
- Float up to the next platform, then use Ultrahand to bring the fans up to your level.
- Before you attach them to any of the gliders, in order to get the chest in this shrine, use two of them to make a lift for Link.

- Right, now we’re on to the big finale.
- This is basically a larger version of the first puzzle and thus will require some more horsepower to get you over to the other side.
- We recommend using three fans (pictured below) on the back of the glider, that should give you enough momentum to get to the other side.