Starfield The Almagest Jackpot guide
Trying to find The Almages Jackpot code? Find it here

Looking for The Almagest Jackpot code?
If you’re playing Starfield there’s a chance you’ve come across The Almagest. The Almagest is a casino in Starfield that you can find in the Olympus system.
Once you get to The Almagest, you’ll find yourself in the middle of a firefight, but if you manage to defeat the enemies, you’ll get a chance at The Almagest Jackpot.
But what is The Almagest Jackpot code and where is The Almagest Jackpot terminal? Find out below.
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The Almagest Jackpot Terminal

The Almagest is a unique location in Starfield as it’s both inside, but also has low gravity. You’ll also find plenty of enemies to take down.
These are generally mid to low-level grunts, so they shouldn’t cause you much trouble at all. Once you’ve killed all of them, you should look for the huge safe that’s on one side of the Almagest.
You’ll notice that to the right of the safe, there’s a small duct that you can fit through. Float through and you’ll find the terminal, where you can enter the code.
The Almagest Jackpot Combination

The Almagest Jackpot Combination is 12, 19, 36, 5.
If you want to look for this organically, it’s on a terminal inside the casino, but considering you’re looking at this guide, you’ve likely just found the terminal itself and you want those sweet sweet credits.