Starfield Sarah Morgan companion guide

Sarah Morgan is one of the first companions that you can get in Starfield

Starfield Sarah Morgan companion guide

Sarah Morgan is one of the many companions you can find in Starfield.

Not only is Sarah one of the first companions that you can bring along with you on your journey, but she’s also one of the most important Starfield characters, which is why we recommend having Sarah Morgan as part of your crew.

Sarah Morgan can be found early in the game, meaning you can take her with you through the majority of Starfield’s missions, and you’ll be able to increase your bond with her.

Morgan is also one of the characters in Starfield who is an option as a romantic partner, something we’ll cover in this guide. But where is Sarah Morgan’s location and how do you recruit her? Read on to find out all about Sarah Morgan and how you can utilize her as a Starfield companion.

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Sarah Morgan location

Starfield Sarah Morgan companion guide

Sarah Morgan can be found on Jemison. She’s in The Lodge, which is the headquarters of Constellation. You’ll naturally be sent to The Lodge as part of the main story quest, so interacting with Sarah Morgan is unmissable. You’ll also be joined by her on the next story quest.

This is also where you’ll find Sarah if she’s not part of your crew, and at certain story sections when all of Constellation returns to The Lodge.

How to recruit Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan can be recruited by completing the mission The Old Neighborhood.

Following this, she’ll say that even though she has a duty to be the leader of Constellation (something that will come up regularly during your travels with her) that she wants to join you on your journey.

Following this, you can either have her as your main companion, or you can simply assign her to one of your ships, or your outposts.

Sarah Morgan romance options 
Starfield Sarah Morgan companion guide

Sarah Morgan romance options in Starfield may seem limited at first, but once you’ve played through enough quests with her, you’re going to start getting the option to flirt with Sarah.

Sarah is difficult to romance as she’ll typically bat away your advances by saying that it’s not the right time, or that there’s a more important mission at hand.

However, if you pursue the flirt option every time it appears, and generally pick the nicest dialogue option even when it’s not designated with the flirt tag, eventually Sarah will begin to open up to you.

In order to complete Sarah Morgan’s romance quest, you’re going to have to complete her companion quest, In Memoriam, details of which are at the bottom of this guide.

Sarah Morgan skills

Sarah Morgan has the following skills:

  • Astrodynamics (four-star)
  • Lasers (three-star)
  • Leadership (two-star)
  • Botany (one star)

Sarah Morgan likes and dislikes

Starfield Sarah Morgan companion guide

While Starfield doesn’t have a traditional morality system like Fallout did, characters will react to your actions if you have them as a companion. Companions can either Love, Like, Dislike or Hate an action. in some cases, a companion may hate an action so much that they stop following you completely.

Sarah is a “good” character. She’ll respond positively if you’re fair to other characters, you’re law-abiding, and you don’t injure any civilians. In fact, if you happen to kill a civilian, Sarah will abandon you as a companion.

Sarah Morgan companion quest

This section details a quest that appears later in the game. 

Sarah Morgan’s companion quest is named In Memoriam. This quest sees you and Sarah go to tie up some loose ends from her days before Constellation. Throughout your travels with Sarah, she’ll mention her time before she was part of Constellation and the tragedy that claimed the lives of her crew.

You can then offer to help Sarah come to terms with the tragedy by visiting the wreckage site and collecting whatever remains of the crew are still there. In order to do this, you’ll have to speak to Admiral Logan who will unlock Sarah’s file, thus starting the main part of the quest.

Starfield Constellation Edition (PC)
Starfield (Xbox Series X/S)
Starfield Premium Edition (w/ early access)
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