How to change your appearance in Starfield
How to change your hair, appearance and more in Starfield

Wondering how to change your appearance in Starfield?
If you’ve started Starfield and you didn’t want to spend all day in the character creator, then you may have ended up with a character you don’t like the look of, and you want to change your appearance.
Maybe you’re just really into roleplaying and you want your character to change the way they look as their story progresses, well either way you’re going to need to know how to change your appearance in Starfield.
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How to change appearance in Starfield

You can change your appearance at Enhance. In order to change your appearance in Starfield, you’re going to have to visit one of the main cities in the game, thankfully it’s one that you land at very early on. When you land in Jemison, you’ll find yourself in a busy commerce area. From there, you should head to Enhance.
There are several Enhance stores all over Starfield. You can find one in New Atlantis very close to where you land. Look for the large bright area next to Terrabrew, you’ll find Enhance.
What can’t you change in Starfield?

Thankfully, Starfield is pretty flexible in terms of what you can change about your character, even once you’ve created them fully.
There are a few things that you aren’t able to change currently. These are your perks and your background. These are the things that you decided on at the very start of the game, and have likely impacted the way you’ve played so far.
Thankfully with perks, you can simply earn more skill points and change your character in any way that you want to, however, with your background, you’re not able to make any changes, so make sure you’ve read our Starfield backgrounds guide to get the full lowdown.
It’s also possible to get unlimited skill points through Starfield New Game Plus. We’ve got a full guide on Starfield’s New Game Plus that you can check out, but be warned, there are some spoilers in that guide, so be careful.