Starfield All Factions and how to join them
Wondering how to join every faction in Starfield? Find out here

Wondering how to join all of the factions in Starfield?
Starfield features several factions that you’re likely to come across on your journey, and the good news is, you can join almost all of them. While joining some of them is simple, there are a few that are easy to miss.
So what are all the factions in Starfield and how do you join them? Read on to find out.
Starfield Guides:
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Starfield All Factions: Can you join every faction?
Yes, thankfully Starfield doesn’t lock you out of joining any faction, regardless of your choices. You may have to clear some bounties to enter some faction specifc areas, but apart from that you’ll have no issue joining every faction in Starfield.
Starfield All Factions: Can you join more than one faction at a time?
Yes! You can join as many factions at a time as you would like.
Starfield All Factions: How to join the Freestar Collective

You’ll come across the Freestar Collective as part of the main quest, during your time with Sam Coe. Simply follow The Empty Nest and you’ll be well on your way to joining The Freestar Collective, our personal favourite faction in Starfield.
Find out more in our Freestar Collective guide.
Starfield All Factions: How to join the Ryujin Industries

You will get a chance to join Ryujin Industries early in the game. Like a few of the factions in Starfield, Ryujin Industries has several touchscreens that can be found in several different planets.
Once you’ve interacted with one of these touchscreens, you’ll get the first mission in the Ryujin Industries quest line. You can find out more in our Ryujin Industries guide.
Starfield All Factions: How to join the UC Vanguard

The UC Vanguard is probably the first faciton that you’ll come across, and one we really reccomend joing, especially if you’re interested in the background of Starfield.
You can findout more in our full UC Vanguard guide.
Starfield All Factions: How to join the Crimson Fleet

To join the Crimson Fleet, you must first complete the quest “Deep Cover”. You’ll then join the group by trying ton infiltrate them. Don’t worry however, this doesn’t mean you cant become a full fledged pirate with the CF.
Check out our full Crimson Fleet guide for more info.