Star Wars Jedi Survivor poncho location
Looking for the poncho in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

Looking for the poncho in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?
In one of the best nods to Cal’s old adventures, and sense of style, players are able to find Cal’s poncho from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Doing this unlocks the Trophy / Achievement “A presence I haven’t felt since…”
But where do you find the poncho? You can actually find the poncho in Star Wars Jedi Survivor and earn the trophy as soon as you reach the Rambler’s Reach area of Koboh. However, be ready, because a significant fight awaits you.
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Star Wars Jedi Survivor poncho location

You can find the poncho in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order in Fort Kah’Lin, which is in Koboh. This fort is on the opposite side of the main open area Rambel’s Reach from Pyloon’s Saloon. The area is a fortress that houses both Bedlahm Raiders and droids.
Fight your way through the base until you reach raised area with a large circular floor. There will be a huge number of enemies on the circular floor, and tougher boss-tier enemies above on the hill. Once you reach the middle of the disc, it will fall, dropping you into a pit below.
This is where you find the poncho, but first you’re required to defeat an old foe.
Spoilers below for a fun nod to the first game…
The fight in question is with the spawn of Oggdo Bogdo, a boss from the first game which is famous for destroying players in one of the earliest sections players can visit.
His kid is no easy task either. He’s extremely deadly and will destroy Cal in only a few hits, so we highly recommend using Cal’s ultimate slowdown ability on him, to deal as much possible.
Once you defeat him you can open the chest and recover the poncho.