Spider-Man 2 Williamsburg Spider-Bot locations
Scorpion and Prowler bots are hidden in Williamsburgh. Here’s where to find them…

Spider-Man 2 Williamsburg Spider-Bot locations are the subject of this guide, which will help you find the elusive collectibles.
In total there are two Spider-Bots hidden in the Williamsburg are; Scorpion and Prowler.
Spider-Man 2 is full of Spider-Bots. What’s the reward for collecting all of them? You’ll unlock a special end-game cutscene. If you want to learn more, check out our Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bots ending report.
When you’re close to a Spider-Bot in Spider-Man 2, you can scan the area by using the R3 button. If you’re close enough, it will emit a pink ball around the Spider-Bot. But, even then, it can be difficult to find some of the Spider-Bots in the game.
Read on for all Spider-Man 2 Williamsburg Spider-Bot locations and head over to our Spider-Bot locations hub for the rest.
Williamsburg Spider-Bot 1 – Scorpion

The first Williamsburg Spider-Bot can be found in the south part of the region.
It once again is a floating Spider-Bot, meaning you’ll have to swing or fly towards that Spider-Bot in order to collect it.
Williamsburg Spider-Bot 2 – Prowler

The second Williamsburg Spider-Bot can be found in the northern part of the nap.
This Spider-Bot is bade on the Prowler, Aaron Davis. The Prowler is featured in the game, as The Prowler is the alter ego of Aaron Davis, Miles Morales.