Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Here’s all the places to find Spider-Bots in Downtown Brooklyn and Coney Island

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations are the subject of this guide.

In total, there are four Spider-Bots hidden in Downtown Brooklyn in Spider-Man 2. Read on, and we’ll show you where to find them.

Spider-Bots are collectibles in Spider-Man 2 that are found in every neighborhood in the city.

Strangely, despite Downtown Brooklyn In Spider-Man 2 featuring, there are no Spider-Bots in Coney Island, rather they’re hidden in the surrounding areas of Downtown Brooklyn.

If you collect all of the Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2, you’ll unlock an extremely cool easter egg cutscene, if you want to learn more, check out our Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bots ending.

Read on for all Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations and check out our Spider-Bot locations hub for more.

Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot 1 – Peni Parker

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

The first Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot can be found int he north of the region, it’s on the side of a skyscraper.

Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot 2 – Sensational Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

You’ll find the next Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot in the left of the Downtown Brooklyn area.

It’s under the overpass. If you’re struggling to find it, simply press R3 to ping the Spider-Bots in the area.

Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot 3 – Mysterio

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

The next Spider-Bot in Downtown Brooklyn can be found at the top of one of the apartment blocks in the bottom corner of the map, near Coney Island.

Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot 4 – Superior

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

Spider-Man 2 Downtown Brooklyn Spider-Bot locations

The final Spider-Bot in Downtown Brooklyn can be found very close to the last one, just under a train track near Coney Island.

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