Find Iron Spider and Spider-Man 1602 Spider-Bots in Central Park
In total, there are two Spider-Bots in Central Park in Spider-Man 2; Iron Spider and Spider-Man 1602. Here are their locations.
When you’re close to a Spider-Bot in Spider-Man 2, you can scan the area by using the R3 button. If you’re close enough, it will emit a pink ball around the Spider-Bot. Head over to our Spider-Bot locations guide for the others. Collect them all to unlock the Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bots ending.
Central Park Spider-Bot 1 – Iron Spider
The first Central Park Spider-Bot is hidden in an awkward location, that isn’t entirely clear, even when pinging the area on the map.
To find the Central Park Spider-Bot, you need to find the tunnel that runs under Central Park.
This tunnel can be found by just following the traffic that drives into the park. In one of the tunnels, you’ll find a Central Park Spider-Bot on the roof.
Thankfully, the next Central Park Spider-Bot is found in a much easier area. Head to the middle of Central Park and look for a large rock that’s in the area marked above. This is where you’ll find the next Central Park Spider-Bot.