Scream Tail location: Where to catch Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet

Where to find Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet

Scream Tail location: Where to catch Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet

Scream Tail brand new form of a classic Pokemon which makes its debut in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and so it’s Pokemon that plenty of long-time fans of the series want on their team.

Scream Tail, which is a Paradox form of Jigglypuff is a Pokemon exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet. I can be found in Area Zero, so you’ll have to be in the final area of the game in order to find it.

Scream Tail location isn’t fixed and can appear in a few different areas, so this guide is the best place to find out where you should be looking for Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Read on to find out  Scream Tail location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guides:

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Scream Tail location: Where to catch Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Scream Tail location: Where to catch Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet

Scream Tail can appear in a few different areas of Area Zeo.

You’re likely to encounter it on one of the higher areas of the Crater, just as you enter the area. Scream Tail is huge, much larger than Jigglypuff, so it’s not difficult to spot if one spawns in.

At the entrance to the cave system, there are a few corridors that house Pokemon like Larvitar and Brute Bonnet, Scream Tail can be found here in large numbers too.

Scream Tail can also be found in large numbers in the secluded cave which houses Roaring Moon. 

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