Salty Herba Mystica location in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Herba Mystica is required to make shiny sandwiches

Salty Herba Mystica is an item you’re going to need to get if you’re going to hunt for Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
This is one of five Herba Mystica in the games, which are used as ingredients for Shiny Sandwiches – consumables which greatly increase your chances of location Shiny Pokemon.
Salty Herba Mystica drops after completing 5 and 6-star raids. However, the item doesn’t drop from every single 5 and 6-star raids. Unfortunately, it appears to be an uncommon drop, as is the case with the rest of the Herba Mystica.
Here’s everything you need to know to find Salty Herba Mystica.
Herba Mystica location guides:
Sweet Herba Mystica locations | Salty Herba Mystica locations | Bitter Herba Mystica locations | Spicy Herba Mystica locations | Sour Herba Mystica locations
Where to get Salty Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The only way to find Salty Herba Mystica is by completing 5 and 6 star raids again and again until the item spawns.
Five star raids are unlocked by completing all three questlines in the Scarlet and Violet story. To unlock six star raids, you’ll need to complete five star ones and finish the Ace Academy Tournament.
The Ace Acdemy Tournament is a series of hard battles against some of the strongest trainers in the game.
Salty Herba Mystica location: 5 Star Raids
Data via Serebii.
Salty Herba Mystica will appear in the following 5-star raids.
- Slowbro
- Cloyster
- Gengar
- Blissey
- Glalie
- Drifblim
- Bronzong
- Hippowdon
- Amoonguss
- Eelektross
- Avalugg
- Greedent
- Corviknight
- Coalossal
- Copperajah
- Dondozo
- Palafin
- Orthworm
- Cetitan
- Garganacl
Salty Herba Mystica location: 6 Star Raids
Salty Herba Mystica will appear in the following 6-star raids.
- Vaporeon
- Blissey
- Pelipper
- Torkoal
- Hippowdon
- Amoonguss
- Avalugg
- Toxapex
- Corviknight
- Farigiraf
- Dondozo
- Orthworm
- Cetitan
- Klawf
- Garganacl
- Dachsbun
Salty Herba Mystica location: 7 Star Raids
7 star raids increase your chances of obtaining Herba Mystica even further, but they’re hard to come by.
These highest-end challenges are time-limited and only occur several times per month.
The next 7 star raid event will take place on two separate occasions. The first session will start and end at the following times:
- PT – December 29 at 16:00 until December 31 at 15:59
- ET – December 29 at 19:00 until December 31 at 18:59
- GMT – December 30 at 00:00 until January 1 at 23:59
The second session will start and end at the following times:
- PT – January 12 at 16:00 until January 14 at 15:59
- ET – January 12 at 19:00 until January 14 at 18:59
- GMT – January 13 at 00:00 until January 15 at 23:59
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guides:
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet walkthrough, tips, and Pokemon locations | Roaring Moon location | Iron Valiant location | Shiny sandwich recipes | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries | Pokemon type chart