Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible

Check out our map for every Saints Row secret location

Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible

This Saints Row collectibles guide will help make sure that your HQ is decked out with every decoration you could want.

Our Saints Row collectibles map shows you each different tier of collectible, as well as a description of where to find it if the map itself is a bit too vague for some of the well-hidden items.

In order to collect the secret items, simply take a photo of them once the HUD turns green, and it’ll be added to your collectible book. Be sure to come back to check this collectible guide if you’re missing any from your list.

Why are some numbers missing?

Our map shows off all of the collectibles that are part of the open world. More than half of the collectibles in the game are actually given to the player as part of a mission reward.

So if you’re missing something, be sure to check the in-game list, and it’ll generally tell you which side quest you need to complete in order to earn the item. Be sure to finish the main quest, as a few collectibles are also tied to it.

Why are some numbers doubled?

Saints Row doesn’t make it easy to take a clean screenshot of the whole map, so we’ve had to capture it in stages.

So you might see the same number appear in two maps, don’t worry,  as long as you collect every number on the map, you’ll have a full list.

Saints Row collectibles Maps
Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible

Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible

Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible
Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible
Saints Row Collectibles guide: Where to find every collectible

Saints Row Small collectibles list:
  1. Anchor Sculpture – At the end of the pier. 
  2. Ancient Vase – Next to a porch outside a blue trailer
  3. As Seen on TV Knife – Mission reward.
  4. Cabbit – In a storage container, just to the left of the entrance. 
  5. Cactus Flower – Across from the entrance to Mercado.
  6. Cactus Santa – Underneath the cell phone tower.
  7. Centerpiece Bowl – In a metal shed in the north of the island. 
  8. Classy Flamingo – Find number 217, next to the front door. 
  9. Drug Shipment – Collect all Drug Pallets. 
  10. Go Kart Trophy – Complete the Pony Express.
  11. Golden Shitter – Near a train car in a pile of trash.
  12. Helm – Under the plinth.
  13. Hoverboard Trophy – Mission Reward. 
  14. Hummingbird Codex – Mission Reward.
  15. Marble – The front of the mansion. 
  16. Model Plane – In a lake near the motel on Route 66
  17. Oversized Bullet – In a building near the water.
  18. Painted Keg – Ghost town near the river. Near the mill
  19. Planet Saints Pedestal – Complete Planet Saints
  20. Planetary Model – On the roof of the science centre. 
  21. Poker Chips – At the bus stop near Apollo’s Coffee house.
  22. Ramparts Plush Toy – Between the umbrellas.
  23. Scorpion statue – Over the door of the factory. Under some graffiti.
  24. Silver Obelisk – Up a hill, you’ll be able to see it glowing
  25. Singing Bush – Under the cell tower. It literally sings. Very annoying. 
  26. Space Ship – Sticking out of the water in the middle of the desert. 
  27. The Great Banana – Infront of the Cicada Wireless store
  28. The Worthy Hammer – Near a rowboat in a lake bed.
  29. Toxic Waste Barrel – Bright Future Disposal reward. 
Saints Row Medium collectibles list:
  1. Bowling Balls and Pins – Outside the Bowling alley.
  2. Brewery Tank – Next to the bottling plant. 
  3. Bronze Arm -In front of the Swole Hole. 
  4. Bronze Buffalo -Outside the bishop capital building
  5. Bronze Feather – Near Liechtenuars, between two trees.
  6. Bug Statue On top of the auto parts store.
  7. Caca Cabana – Mission reward.
  8. Cactus Jack – Mission reward
  9. Carrot Head – Farmer’s market.
  10. Cemetery Angel – In front of the Cemetery, funnily enough.
  11. City Hall Fountain – Outside City Hall
  12. Compass – Middle of the courtyard
  13. Cow Statue – Mission Reward
  14. D20 – Mission Reward
  15. Doc Ketchum’s House – Mission Reward
  16. Dustlander Throne – Mission Reward
  17. Flower Spur Statue – Mission Reward / near the School of Architecture and Design
  18. Gas Pump – Near the auto repair store. 
  19. Gatling Gun – Mission reward
  20. Gold Disc Golf Basket – On the first hole of the golf course
  21. Golden Armadillo – Behind the library
  22. Golden Helmet Statue – On top of the ticket office.
  23. Golden Stag – Middle of the courtyard. Massive. 
  24. Golden Urinal – Near the excavator outside the prison
  25. Guitar Guy Statue – On top of the shop.
  26. Horse Sculpture- Next to a blue building, next to a bus.
  27. I Heart Saint Ileso – On the street, above the mall.
  28. Interstellar Phone Booth – Mission Reward
  29. Jackalope – Between the oversized fork and the dinosaur.
  30. Knight – In front of the Casino. Glowing blue.
  31. Mech Burger Stand – Under the shed, near two vending machines
  32. Metal Jackalope Sculpture- In the park, near the footbridge.
  33. Metal Sun Man Statue – Near a cactus.
  34. Mine Cart – On the island there’s a train track in the middle, follow that to the cart.
  35. Nuke Mount – The Big One mission reward.
  36. Piano – Inside the church.
  37. Saddle Bar Stool  – Under the huge cow skull
  38. Shoe Light -Across from the Lancelot hotel
  39. Space Suit – Mission reward
  40. Swan Float – In the big pool next to the slide. 
  41. The Turdis – Behind the Ecobarista Café
  42. Topiary Pigs – In the brewery courtyard. 
  43. Train Signal – Behind the Sail storage near the train track split.
  44. Training Dummy – Mission Reward
  45. Vat of Fabulous – Mission Reward
  46. Western Golden Cannon – Mission Reward
  47. Wormy Apple – Mission Reward
Saints Row Large collectibles list:
  1. Atlus Statue – Fly over the top of the island and see it shining gold. 
  2. Cactus Cowboy – On route 66 road.
  3. Captain Eagle Statue – Next to the statue of liberty. 
  4. Devil’s Egg – Unlocks with DLC
  5. Giant Golf Ball – In front of the country club
  6. Grisley Bear. In the parking lot. 
  7. Ice Cream Statue – In front of the Twisty Creamy
  8. Jimrob Statue – Mission reward. 
  9. KAKTS Radio Tower- Mission reward
  10. Liquor Bottle – Top of El Prequeno Bar.
  11. Lit Chick – Unlocks with DLC
  12. Metal Coyote – On route 66, in front of the Twin Coyote
  13. Metal Rabbit- Next to the huge musical note. 
  14. Metal Vulture -Next to the Grisly Bear.
  15. Novelty Cowboy Hat – In a park near the Star-Register globe
  16. Oversized Boot – Mission Reward.
  17. Owl Windmill – Across from the Tower of Love
  18. Saint Discordia – Mission reward. 
  19. Thunderpump Sign – Outside the Thunderpump gas station.
  20. Tirepede – Large statue to the side of the library. 
  21. Triceratops Skull – The blue ranger would be proud. Can’t miss it. 
  22. Western Chuckwagon – Ghost town in Badlands north. 
  23. Windmill – Massive windmill. Glowing blue. Can’t miss it. 
Saints Row Wall collectibles list:
  1. Bear Rug – Porch of the first house in the town. 
  2. Calico Queen Sign – On the boat. 
  3. Campfire Silhouette – On a wall in a golden artwork mural. 
  4. Cat Herder – Big green wall mural
  5. Chalupacabra Sign – Mission reward.
  6. El Bar Visual Sign – Big skull
  7. Fanciful Map – From the prison’s north gate, head directly north to a metal shed.
  8. Fox Tails Sign – Big pink building with an… interesting sign. 
  9. Joe Cola Sign – Massive one on top of the factory. Use a helicopter to land on the smoke stack to get the right angle. 
  10. Route 66 Sign.  Massive. 
  11. Shady Oaks Sign – Complete the Insurance Fraud side quest
  12. Sofa King Sign – Above the store. 
  13. Varmint Sign – Look up. It’s the big Varmint on the building. 
  14. Tipsy Lizard Sign – Towards the end of the street full of bars. 
  15. Wanted Poster – Complete all wanted missions
  16. Wwuzyerz Repo Yard – Mission reward.
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