Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellans locations
Here’s where to find all 16 Clockwork Castellan dolls in the remake to earn a special reward

Clockwork Castellans are the main collectible in Capcom’s 2023 Resident Evil 4 remake. So here’s our guide to all Clockwork Castellans locations, including exactly where to find each Clockwork Castellan in each chapter in exchange for a special reward.
Clockwork Castellans are bobbleheads hidden around the game world. There are sixteen in total – one per chapter – and destroying all of them will earn players with a unique weapon (scroll to the bottom to find out what it is).
Firstly, it’s important to note that some of the Clockwork Castellans in Resident Evil 4 are MISSABLE. Once you leave a section of the map – either the village, the castle or the island – you can’t return, meaning that if you’re going to collect the Castellans, you’ll have to reload a save, or play the game again.
Thankfully, Clockwork Castellans persist across saves in Resident Evil 4, meaning you don’t have to collect all of them in one run.
So where exactly are the Clockwork Castellans in Resident Evil 4? Read on to find out.
Resident Evil 4 Remake Guides:
Clockwork Castellans | Resident Evil 4 merchant requests | Resident Evil 4 gold egg | Resident Evil 4 gigantic fish
The Resident Evil 4 remake features 16 Clockwork Castellans, one in each chapter.
- Clockwork Castellan 1 location – Chapter 1, Waterfront
- Clockwork Castellan 2 location – Chapter 2, Village Chief’s Manor
- Clockwork Castellan 3 location – Chapter 3, Merchant shop docks
- Clockwork Castellan 4 location – Chapter 4, Forest Alter
- Clockwork Castellan 5 location – Chapter 5, Village Leader’s Mansion
- Clockwork Castellan 6 location – Chapter 6, Village Escape
- Clockwork Castellan 7 location – Chapter 7, Treasury
- Clockwork Castellan 8 location – Chapter 8, Castle Ramparts
- Clockwork Castellan 9 location – Chapter 9, Courtyard
- Clockwork Castellan 10 location – Chapter 10, Depth
- Clockwork Castellan 11 location – Chapter 11, Stopping Place
- Clockwork Castellan 12 location – Chapter 12, The Clock Tower
- Clockwork Castellan 13 location – Chapter 13, The Western Wharf
- Clockwork Castellan 14 location – Chapter 14, The Lab
- Clockwork Castellan 15 location – Chapter 15, The Cliffside
- Clockwork Castellan 16 location – Chapter 16, Escape the Island
Clockwork Castellan 1 – Lakeside Settlement
Chapter 1 Clockwork Castellan can be found when you reach the waterfront area. As pictured above, head to one of the ruined shacks and look above to see the Castellan.
This is one of the Clockwork Castellans that you can actually collect at any point before you leave the village in Chapter 5.

Clockwork Castellan 2 – Abandoned Factory
Chapter 2 Clockwork Castellan can be found on the road toward the Village Chief’s Manor.
There are a few small shacks on the way, and as you can see pictured above, the Clockwork Castellan is sitting on a bale of hay in the corner. This Clockwork Castellan can be found at any point after Chapter 2, before you leave the village.

Clockwork Castellan 3 – Lakeside Merchant shop
Chapter 3 Clockwork Castellan can be found near the Merchant shop at the docks. You’ll notice that there’s a set of ladders that you can slide down, which will take you to a dock that’s inside a cave.
Go down the ladder, and instead of taking the left path toward the water, go down the right path, then turn right. Look up, and under the roof, you’ll see the top of the Castellan popping up, as pictured above.

Clockwork Castellan 4 – The Alter
Chapter 4 Clockwork Castellan can be found in the Forest Alter.
This is behind the large locked gate you probably encountered during your first time through this area in the opening chapter. During chapter 4, you can go back and unlock the area, and then head to the alter.
This Castellan is extremely annoying to find because of the rain, but if you look at our image above, you can see that it’s behind some fences, when looking directly north.

Clockwork Castellan 5 – Village Leader’s Mansion
Chapter 5 Clockwork Castellan can be found inside the Village Chief’s Manor that you entered earlier in the game in order to get the twisted key.
Once you’re back with Ashely, you can head back to that house, and then enter the loft area. In the loft, you’ll find the old camera, which is a valuable item that can be sold to the merchant. If you look at the area pictured above in the loft, you’ll find the Clockwork Castellan.

Clockwork Castellan 6 – Village Escape
Chapter 6 Clockwork Castellan can be found soon after you defend the villa. You’ll walk through some very enemy-heavy areas. At some point, you’ll walk across a small path, as pictured above, and there will be a large bonfire on a platform across from you. The Clockwork Castellan is sitting in front of it.
This is very easily missable, as you never return to this area, and you can only access it once you’ve reached chapter 6.

Clockwork Castellan 7 – Treasury
Chapter 7 Clockwork Castellan can be found in the Treasury, just after you leave the dungeons. You’ll emerge up some stairs into a room with several different shelves full of bottles and wooden boxes. The Clockwork Castellan is found on the top shelf of the one pictured above.

Clockwork Castellan 8 – Castle Ramparts
Chapter 8 Clockwork Castellan can be found during the fight against the giant troll on the ramparts of the castle. While you’re dodging fireballs and other dangers, double back to the battlement pictured above, and head to the top of it.
You’ll find the Clockwork Castellan on the top level of the rampart, on top of some sandbags as pictured above.

Clockwork Castellan 9 – Courtyard
Chapter 9 Clockwork Castellan can be found in the maze in the castle courtyard. You’ll see from the image above that the Clockwork Castellan is under the staircase that you use to enter the maze. You’ll have to work your way around the maze to get back underneath the stairs, where you’ll find the Clockwork Castellan hiding behind some wooden boards.

Clockwork Castellan 10 – Depth
Chapter 10 Clockwork Castellan can be found after you’re sent down to the depths. Make your way through the underground section until you’re in the extremely narrow corridor pictured above.
Across from the merchant you’ll find a grate in the wall which features the Chapter 10 Clockwork Castellan.

Clockwork Castellan 11 – Stopping Place
Chapter 11 Clockwork Castellan can be found during the break between the two minecart sections. Once you’ve left the minecart and you have to walk through the small room to get to the second one (pictured above) look up at the roof of the are and you’ll find the Chapter 11 Clockwork Castellan.

Clockwork Castellan 12 – The Clock Tower
Chapter 12 Clockwork Castellan is at the bottom of the Clock Tower area. You’ll enter through two large doors and then a cutscene will play, beckoning you to the top of the tower. Before you make your way up, head across the bottom floor and find the Clockwork Castellan pictured above.

Clockwork Castellan 13 – The Western Wharf
Chapter 13 Clockwork Castellan can be found late in the chapter once you’re deeper into the island. You’ll come across an open area shown above which features a small group of enemies, one of which has a rocket launcher, that you can avoid.
Head down to fight them, and then once you’re finished, head to the large truck that’s behind them. You’ll hear the ticking noise. Look under the truck as shown above, and you’ll find the Chapter 13 Clockwork Castellan waiting for you.

Clockwork Castellan 14 – The Lab
Chapter 14 Clockwork Castellan can be found just after the key card puzzle. Once you’ve recovered the wrench from the creature and flipped open the final door, head through to the next room, and on your left there will be a Clockwork Castellan on the lockers.
You can return to this area after you leave, as there’s a merchant request that will send you back down here to deal with a significant threat.

Clockwork Castellan 15 – The Cliffside
Chapter 15 Clockwork Castellan is in a small room just after you make your way to through the Cliffside Ruins.
You’ll enter a room full of body bags hanging from the ceiling, and in a small room to the side of that you’ll hear that familiar ticking sound, as the Clockwork Castellan lurks above you.

Clockwork Castellan 16 – Escape the Island
Chapter 16 Clockwork Castellan can be found during the section in which Ashley and Leon have to escape the island. You’ll be given a countdown clock and have to run through corridors and areas of the map you’ve already visited.
The Castellan is on top of a box in the area marked above. You have plenty of time to collect it, so just make sure you grab it before you leave the area. You can even save your game at the start of this area if you’re worried you’ll miss it.

Clockwork Castellan Reward
And that’s it. If you’ve followed this guide to the letter you’ll have collected every Clockwork Castellan, and you’ll unlock the Revolution Wind-up trophy/achievement.
Doing this will also unlock the Primal Knife.