Resident Evil 4 Catch Me a Big Fish: Gigantic Fish location

Where to find the gigantic fish in Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 Catch Me a Big Fish: Gigantic Fish location

Catch Me a Big Fish is a merchant request in Resident Evil 4. It tasks the player with finding a gigantic fish that’s found in a specific area of the lake.

When you get the request, you’ll be asked to find a Lunker Bass, a one-of-a-kind fish that can be found in the lake.

But where is the gigantic fish required to complete the Catch Me a Big Fish quest? Read on below.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Guides:

Clockwork Castellans | Resident Evil 4 merchant requests | Resident Evil 4 gold egg | Resident Evil 4 gigantic fish

Resident Evil 4 Catch Me a Big Fish solution

Resident Evil 4 Catch Me a Big Fish: Gigantic Fish location

Catch Me a Big Fish tasks the player with killing the huge fish in the middle of the lake. No, not that one.

“Could someone catch the gigantic fish that lives in the lake for me? Fish oil has many uses after all. ”

The gigantic fish required to complete the quest can be seen in the picture that you’re given when starting the quest near a broken-down boat dock. 

Resident Evil 4 Catch Me a Big Fish: Gigantic Fish location
If this dock looks familiar, it’s because you’ve probably just paddled toward it on your sinking boat after the fight with the lake monster.

Head just in front of it, and you’ll see several fish jumping out of the water. One of these will be the rare Lunker Bass that’s required for completing the request.

Simply collect it, and then take it back to the merchant and sell it.

That’s how you complete the Catch Me A Big Fish request in Resident Evil 4 remake.

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