Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

Destroy the Blue Medallions 5 in Resident Evil 4 with our guide

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations is the subject of this guide.

Resident Evil 4 has six different quests that require the player to Destroy the Blue Medallions.

The fifth quest in this series of Blue Medallion requests. There are two of these quests in the island section of the game. This quest can be completed in Chapter 14 and rewards the player with 5 Spinels which can be traded to the merchant for special items.

This quest can be completed during chapters 14 and 15, but once you’re tasked with rescuing Ashley and leaving the island, you can no longer return to this area to complete the request.

You can find a list of all of the merchant requests here.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions

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Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

The next Destroy the Blue Medallion quest takes place in a small area that you’ll explore with Ashley called the Cargo Depot.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations
Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 1
Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

The first medallion is hanging just outside of the play area, behind a broken fence.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 2
Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

As you enter the cargo depot area, look up and behind Leon, and you’ll see the tiny Blue Medallion hanging off the side of the building.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 3
Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

The next  two Blue Medallions are very close to each other, hanging off the side of cargo containers.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 4
Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

The fifth Blue Medallion is hanging off a cargo container, very close to the previous one.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 5
Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallions Cargo Depot locations

The final Blue Medallion is hanging on a structure above the area that you’re exploring, hanging off the side of a silo. Look to the right as you leave the Cargo Depot area.

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