Pokemon Type Chart – Effectiveness and weakness

Which Pokemon type is most effective against others? Find out in out Pokemon type chart

Pokemon Type Chart – Effectiveness and weakness

Pokémon type charts are a great way to get a quick glance at which moves will be most effective against certain Pokemon.

While you’re almost certainly aware of the classic “Fire beats Grass, Grass beats Water, Water beats Fire” type matchup that every Pokémon game begins with, there are 18 (technically 19) types in the main Pokémon series, meaning that there are hundreds of potential combinations that have to be calculated when considering what move to use.

The main factors of our Pokémon type chart are type effectiveness and weakness.

We’ll also explain what differences there are between type matchups in Pokémon Go and in the main series of games.

Pokémon type effectiveness and weakness explained

Pokemon Type Chart – Effectiveness and weakness

Pokémon Type Chart: How many Pokémon types are there?

  • As of January 2024, there are 19 types of Pokémon in the Pokémon  series.

They are:

  • Bug
  • Dark
  • Dragon
  • Electric
  • Fairy
  • Fighting
  • Fire
  • Flying
  • Ghost
  • Grass
  • Ground
  • Ice
  • Normal
  • Poison
  • Psychic
  • Rock
  • Steel
  • Water
  • Stellar

The first 17 types on our list have been present in the Pokémon series since generation 2, which launched with Pokémon Gold and Silver in 1999/2000, introducing the Steel and Dark types. The 18th type, Fairy, was introduced in Pokémon X & Y on the Nintendo 3DS.

The newest type, Stellar, was introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk. This type is unique in that it is only super effective against Terastallized Pokémon. Due to the Tera type being a unique mechanic to the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games, it is yet to be seen if this type will be carried forward, or if it will remain locked to this generation.

Pokémon Type Chart

Pokemon Type Chart – Effectiveness and weakness

Image via Pokemon Wiki

Use our Pokémon type chart below to find out what every single type in Pokémon is weak to, what they’re super effective against, and what their resistance is. As explained above,  this generally refers to single-type Pokémon. For dual-type Pokémon, you have to take into consideration the weakness and resistance of both types when calculating the best type to use against it. For example, both Fire-type and Flying-type are weak to Rock-type moves, so a Fire-Flying-type Pokemon like Fletchinder takes 4x damage from Rock-type moves.

TypeWeaknessStrong AgainstVery Weak ToResistant
BugFairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Poison, SteelDark, Grass, PsychicFire, Rock, FlyingGrass, Ground, Fighting
DarkDark, Fairy, FightingGhost, PsychicFighting, BugDark, Ghost, Psychic
DragonFairy, SteelDragonDragon, Ice, FairyElectric, Grass, Fire
ElectricDragon, Electric, Grass, GroundFlying, WaterGroundElectric, Flying,
FairyFire, Poison, SteelDark, Dragon, WaterPoison, SteelBug, Dark, Dragon, Fighting
FightingBug, Fairy, Ghost, Poison, Psychic, FlyingDark Ice, Steel, Normal, RockFlying, Psychic, FairyBug, Dark, Rock
FireDragon, Fire, Water, RockBug, Grass, Steel, IceGround, Rock, WaterFire, Grass, Ice, Steel, Bug
FlyingElectric, Rock, SteelBug Grass, FightingRock, Electric, IceBug, Fighting, Grass, Ground
GhostDark, NormalGhost, PsychicDark, GhostNormal, Fighting, Poison, Bug
GrassFlying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, DragonGround, Rock, WaterFlying, Poison, Bug, Fire, IceElectric, Grass, Ground, Water
GroundBug, Grass, PoisonElectric, Fire, Rock, Steel, PoisonGrass, Ice, WaterElectric, Rock, Poison
IceFire, Ice, Steel, WaterDragon, Grass, Ground, FlyingFire, Fighting, Rock, SteelIce
NormalGhost, Steel, RockFightingGhost
PoisonPoison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, SteelGrass, FairyGround, PsychicGrass, Fighting, Fairy, Poison
PsychicDark, Psychic, SteelFighting, PoisonBug, Dark, GhostFighting, Psychic
RockGround, Fighting, SteelBug, Fire, Ice, FairyFighting, Ground, Steel, Water, GrassFire Flying, Normal, Poison
SteelElectric, Fire, Steel, WaterFairy, Ice, RockFire, Fighting, GroundBug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Normal
WaterDragon, Grass, WaterFire, Rock, GroundElectric, GrassIce, Fire, Steel

Pokémon Go type effectiveness difference vs main series

Pokemon Type Chart – Effectiveness and weakness

Pokémon Go uses the same type chart as the main series games, however, there are a few differences that are only applicable to Pokémon Go and aren’t replicated in any other game. The most notable change is that there are no types that are completely resistant to another type. In other words, every type can do damage to every other type, however, like the main series, type matchups will still determine how much damage is done to Pokemon.

There are currently four different factors that are taken into account when calculating damage in Pokémon Go.

STAB damage (Same Type Attack Bonus) means that if a Pokémon uses an attack that matches one of its types, it will gain a bonus. In this case, a 1.2x multiplier to damage.

Friendship Attack Bonus is based on your friendship with that Pokémon. There are four levels of Friendship in Pokemon Go, for each level you gain an increased amount of attack, either 3, 5, 7, or 10%.

Weather Bonus is calculated by the weather in-game, which is based on the real-life weather conditions in the area you’re playing. If the attack you’re using matches the weather, or is boosted by the weather, you’ll gain a 1.2x boost in attack.

Finally, there is the traditional type of matchup effectiveness that we’ve outlined above. However, unlike in the main series where a Super Effective attack is 2x in power, in Pokémon Go, Super Effective attacks are limited to 1.6x power.

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