Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training and Bottle Caps explained

Everything you need to know about IV training and how to use Bottle Caps in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training and Bottle Caps explained

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training is easier than ever.

IV training has been part of the Pokemon series for generations now, and it’s an essential part of the competitive element of the game.

With the inclusion of 5 and 6-star raids, IV training is also essential if you’re looking to take down the ultra-powerful Pokemon necessary to acquire Herba Mystica, the key to finding Shiny Pokemon.

So read on to find out everything you need to know about IV training and how to use Bottle Caps.

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training: What is IV Training?

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training and Bottle Caps explained

IVs, or Individual Values are the stats that determine how powerful a Pokemon is. For example, two Pikachus may be the same level and have the same moves, but if one of them has higher IVs, its attacks will do more damage, it will have more health, and it will be faster.

IVs are determined when you catch a Pokemon, however, there are several ways that you can change and improve the IVs of a Pokemon, known as IV training. This is essential for end-game content such as the 6-star raids, as the Pokemon you’ll be facing will have maxed-out stats in every category.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet make increasing these stats easier than ever with the use of Bottle Caps. Once you have some Bottle Caps, head to the NPC in Montenevera standing with the Abomasnow.

Talk to him and he’ll allow you to improve the stats of one of your Pokemon in exchange for a Bottle Cap. That’s how easy it is in modern Pokemon games. If you’re lucky enough to have a Golden Bottle Cap, he’ll increase all of your stats, up to 31, which is the maximum.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet IV Training: How do I get Bottle Caps?

While Bottle Caps are usually some of the rarest items in the franchise, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has made it easier than ever to hyper-train your Pokemon using Bottle Caps.

You can purchase them for $20,000 from Delibird Presents, a store that features in most big cities in the game. They become purchasable after you’ve beaten six gyms.

Bottle Caps, and the extremely rare Gold Bottle Caps can also drop from raids, however, they’re among the rarest items to drop from these events.

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