Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Hydrapple location: How to evolve Dipplin to Hydrapple
How to get the new Pokemon Hydrapple in The Indigo Disk

Wondering how to get Hydrapple in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk?
Hydrapple is a brand new evolution that has been introduced in the DLC, and we’re here to tell you exactly how to get it.
An evolution to Dipplin, Hydrapple is the final form of Applin. Introduced in The Teal Mask, Dipplin is another new form of Applin that was introduced during the new generation of games.
But how do you get Hydrapple in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk? Read on to find out.
How to evolve Dipplin to Hydrapple

In order to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple, you’re first going to have to acquire the move Dragon Cheer.
To get Dragon Cheer and evolve Dipplin, you first have to defeat one of the members of the BlueBerry Academy Elite 4, specifically the dragon-type trainer. He’ll give you the move as a reward for defeating him and his task, which you’ll find in the game’s snowy biome.
Once you’ve done this, you can then teach your Dipplin the move, and level it up once. Doing this will evolve your Dipllin into Hydrapple.

How to get Dipplin

In order to evolve Applin into Dipplin, you’re going to need the Syrupy Apple. You can find them at the Syrupy Shack in the first part of the DLC, The Teal Mask.
The Syrupy Apple is a new item introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet the Teal Mask. Much like the other two apple items that can evolve Applin, The Syrupy Apple is needed in order to get Dipplin.
You can find the Syrupy Apple in the Mossfell Confluence, which is in the bottom right of the map. Once you’ve gone there, find the small shack next to some apple trees. Here you can buy what you need, you can also catch Applins from that tree.