Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Dark Tera Type Charizard: Event, Serial Code
How to get the Dark Tera Type Charizard in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

A special Dark Tera Type Charizard event has been announced for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
To celebrate both the launch of the new trading card game expansion, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Ruler of the Black Flame, and as a promotional tie-in for the Pokemon anime in Japan, a new serial code that gives Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players access to a Dark Tera-Type version of Charizard has been released.
The Pokemon is based on the Charzard that is used by Friede, a character in the new Pokemon anime series. According to the Pokemon database Serebii, this Dark Tera-Type Charizard comes with max IVs in Attack and Speed and 20 IVs in all other stats.
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How to redeem code for Dark Tera Type Charizard

In order to redeem the code for Dark Tera Type Charizard, you’re first going to have to make sure your version of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is completely up to date.
Then, head to your main menu and select Poke Portal. Select the mystery gift section of the menu, and hit “Redeem Code”
Enter the following code for Dark Tera Type Charizard: DARKTERA0006.
Dark Tera Type Charizard Moves and Ability
The Dark Tera Type Charizard has the following move-set.
- Crunch
- Flare Blitz
- Acrobatics
- Belly Drum
It has the ability Blaze, and is distributed at Level 50.