Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: All new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk
Every new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk and how to get them

Looking for all of the new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk?
The Indigo Disk is the latest, and likely the last piece of major content for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The DLC, which sees players visit Blueberry Academy in the Unova region, introduces a decent amount of new Pokemon.
But the new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk are far from obvious, so we have a list of all of them here, and the current information on how to obtain them. Once we’ve found out more about all of the new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk, we’ll update this guide.
Here are all the new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: All new Pokemon in The Indigo Disk


Hydrapple is a newly introduced evolution of Dipplin. The new Pokemon, which makes its debut in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk evolves from another recently introduced Pokemon, Dipplin.
For a full guide on how to evolve Dipplin into Hydrapple, we’ve got you covered.

Archaludon is a newly introduced evolved form of Duraladon which makes its debut in The Indigo Disk. The Pokemon, which looks like a large bridge, can be found early in the game, if you have the correct evolution item.
For our full guide on how to evolve Archaludon, check it out here.
Gouging Fire

Image Via Serebii
Gouging Fire is a brand-new Paradox Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk. A Paradox version of Entei, Goughing Fire is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet, meaning players in Pokemon Violet looking for the Pokemon will need to trade with a friend, or wait for the Pokemon to be made available in raids.
We currently believe that in order to catch Goughing Fire, you’ll have to catch 200 Pokemon in your Blueberry Academy PokeDex and then speak to the familiar character standing near the entrance to the Terarium, who’ll give you the quest to find the new Pokemon.
Raging Bolt

Raging Bolt is a Paradox version of Raikou. The Pokemon is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet.
We’ll update this guide as soon as we know exactly how to catch Raging Bolt.
Iron Boulder

Iron Boulder is the Pokemon Violet equivalent of Gouging Fire. An exclusive Paradox Pokemon, Iron Boulder is a newly introduced version of Terrakion, a legendary Pokemon from Generation 5.
We’ll update this guide as soon as we know exactly how to catch Iron Boulder.
Iron Crown

Iron Crown is a Paradox version of Coballion. The Pokemon is exclusive to Pokemon Violet.
We’ll update this guide as soon as we know exactly how to catch Iron Crown.

Terapagos is the main new Legendary Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk. The Pokemon featured in the game’s art, Terapagos is central to the game’s mystery, as are its new forms, which we won’t spoil here.
Terapagos can be caught during the course of the main story and is unmissable, so don’t worry about not getting the new Legendary Pokemon.

Finally, the last new Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk is Peacharunt, a new mythical Pokemon.
Teased in The Teal Mask, thanks to some dataminers, we know Pecharunt has an event tied to it, and that players will be able to encounter the Pokemon in the game’s epilogue.
For more on the new mysterious Pokemon, check out our Pecharunt guide.