Pikachu location: Where to catch Pikachu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Where to catch Pikachu in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pikachu location: Where to catch Pikachu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have finally been released worldwide, bringing with them a huge amount of new Pokemon, and some familiar faces, along with them.

With a world as large as the Paldea region, it might be difficult to find some of your old favorites, but don’t worry, that’s where we come in.

We have guides telling you where to find some of the most popular, and rarest Pokemon around, such as Bagon, Pikachu, Eevee, Garchomp, Axew, and Lucario.

Read on to find out Pikachu location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Guides:

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet walkthrough, tips, and Pokemon locationsRoaring Moon locationIron Valiant location | Shiny sandwich recipes | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries | Pokemon type chart

Pikachu location: Where to catch Pikachu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pikachu can be found in the following locations:

  • South Province (Area Two)
  • South Province (Area Four)
  • West Province (Area Three)
  • East Province (Area One)
  • Tera Raids
  • Mass outbreaks

Pikachu is found between levels 10 and 31 and appears in both games.

Pikachu location: Pikachu evolution line Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pikachu evolves once in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

It evolves into Raichu using a thunderstone.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Dual Pack
Horipad Mini (Pokémon: Pikachu & Eevee) for Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch (OLED Model) - White
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