MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

Learn all the moves and how to master DC’s Wonder Woman in Warner Bros’ fighting game MultiVersus

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

This MultiVersus Wonder Woman guide will give you the moves and strategies you need to master the DC superhero.

If you want to know how to use Wonder Woman’s special moves, this guide breaks them all down and gives tips on how to use them.

It also gives general strategies on the best way to use Wonder Woman when fighting against opponents online.

And if you don’t even know who Wonder Woman is, we’ve got you covered there too.

Latest Update

Player First Games has said it’s going to buff Wonder Woman in an upcoming MultiVersus update.

While not providing specific details on the planned changes, MultiVersus game director Tony Huynh said the studio will increase Wonder Woman’s abilities after EVO 2022, which is taking place from August 5-7.

“She got some buffs in the build after evo,” he said, in response to requests from players on Twitter.

For more MultiVersus guides and tips, consider reading our full MultiVersus guide for strategies on every character, as well as our MultiVersus unlockables guide which details unlockable variants, taunts, emotes and more.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman guide – Who is Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman is a DC Comics character, and one of the founding members of the Justice League.

Known in her homeland of Themyscira as Princess Diana (not that one), Wonder Woman made her debut in All-Star Comics back in October 1941.

While her story has changed numerous times over the past 80 years, among the few constants have been her Lasso of Truth, her tiara and her indestructible bracelets.

The character has been more well-known in recent years for her cinematic appearances, in which she’s been played by Gal Gadot.

In MultiVersus, however, she’s voiced by Abby Trott, who takes on the role for the first time.

Perhaps fittingly, Trott previously performed the English-language version of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate theme.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman guide – Fighting strategies

Wonder Woman is a ‘tank’ character, which means she’s designed to soak up damage and take pressure off her partner.

Although she’s a superhero, Wonder Woman’s moves aren’t enormously flashy, and for the most part she performs like one of Smash Bros’ numerous Fire Emblem ‘sword’ characters.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies
Wonder Woman’s standard Down Attack is her ‘Amazon Shout’, where she unleashes an energy blast. Its power grows as her bracer meter does – this can be filled by blocking projectiles or getting hit while armoured

That’s mainly because she’s at her best when she’s in her opponent’s face, keeping their attention away from her partner.

To make sure this happens, players can use her Warrior’s Charge special move to get closer to them (though be wary of any armour-breaking moves they may use).

Alternatively, if you can’t get to them, her Lasso of Truth move will bring them to you instead.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman guide – Moves

Lasso of Truth

(Neutral, ground or air)

As previously mentioned, Wonder Woman is at her most effective when she’s next to an opponent, but sometime it’s tricky reaching them.

This is where the Lasso of Truth comes in – using this will grab your opponent and pull them towards you.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

It’s basically MultiVersus’ equivalent of Scorpion’s spear from Mortal Kombat, which was also published by Warner Bros Games.

In fact, in case the connection wasn’t clear, Wonder Woman sometimes shouts “get over here” while performing the move.

Warrior’s Charge

(Side, ground)

If you don’t want to bring your opponent to you, Warrior’s Charge makes it easier to go to them instead.

This move makes Wonder Woman raise a giant shield, allowing her to walk towards her enemy with an armour buff applied.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

As long as you hold the Special button down, Wonder Woman will keep the shield raised, and it can even destroy projectiles (though you’ll need to bring the shield up again after you do).

If you pass by an opponent while your shield is raised, they’ll gain an armour buff too.

Be cautious though, because this move isn’t invincible. Like any other armour buffs, it can eventually be destroyed with enough attacks, and some attacks (with purple effects) can destroy it instantly.

Soaring Punch

(Side, air)

Although the Warrior’s Charge move is great for defence, the way it works means it’s not suitable for the air.

Instead, if you perform a Side Special move while airborne, Wonder Woman will execute the Soaring Punch.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

This is a straightforward mid-air punch which makes her dash forwards slightly.

It’s basic, but it can be effective because it travels a decent distance and comes quickly enough that it may take other mid-air opponents by surprise.

Flying Warrior

(Up, ground or air)

Flying Warrior serves a couple of purposes, the first being to damage enemies.

It has Wonder Woman jumping into the air and thrusting her shield upwards, which hurts any opponents in the way.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

The shield also blocks incoming attacks, protecting Wonder Woman and her allies.

On top of all this, the shield can be used as a temporary platform, allowing mid-air allies to step on it briefly and recharge their jumping attacks.

Defence of the Gods

(Down, ground or air)

This move can either be performed on your own, or near an ally – the latter will cause Wonder Woman to dash over to them.

If your ally has any debuffs, Defence of the Gods will wipe them clear, restoring them to their normal self.

MultiVersus Wonder Woman Guide: moves and strategies

It also gives both Wonder Woman and her ally a ‘shielded’ buff, which is similar to armour but it blocks both damage and knockback from the next hit.

Naturally, Defence of the Gods has a cooldown, because otherwise it would essentially make you and your partner invincible. So use it wisely.

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