MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

Learn all the moves and how to master Scooby-Doo’s Velma in Warner Bros’ fighting game MultiVersus

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

This MultiVersus Velma guide will give you the moves and strategies you need to master the Scooby-Doo hero.

If you want to know how to use Velma’s special moves, this guide breaks them all down and gives tips on how to use them.

It also gives general strategies on the best way to use Velma when fighting against opponents online.

And if you don’t even know who Velma is, we’ve got you covered there too.

For more MultiVersus guides and tips, consider reading our full MultiVersus guide for strategies on every character, as well as our MultiVersus unlockables guide which details unlockable variants, taunts, emotes and more.

Update - Velma is free

The latest MultiVersus free character rotation has taken place, and Velma is one of the four new chosen fighters.

She joins Harley Quinn, Shaggy and Bugs Bunny – all four are currently free to select until September 13, even if you haven’t purchased them.

Players will be able to level up the free characters and make progress with them, but after September 13 they’ll be locked again.

If you then choose to purchase and unlock them later, the game will resume any progress you made while they were free.

MultiVersus Velma guide – Who is Velma?

Velma Dinkley is one of the characters in the Scooby-Doo series of cartoons and movies.

As part of Mystery Inc along with Scooby, Shaggy, Fred and Daphne, it’s up to Velma and the gang to solve a series of paranormal mysteries.

Velma is considered the brains of the bunch, and is a bit of a bookworm. But this does come in handy, because it means she knows all there is to know about the paranormal.

In MultiVersus, Velma is voiced by Kate Micucci, who’s one half of comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates.

Micucci has been voicing Velma in various TV shows and animated movies since 2015.

MultiVersus Velma guide – Skin variants

Velma’s default skin is her trademark outfit: orange sweater, red skirt, orange socks, red shoes and her gloriously thick glasses.

At launch, she has one variant, which is called ‘Luau Velma’.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

This replaces her normal outfit with a pink bikini top and a grass skirt. It’s a bit niche – it’s from a single scene in one episode of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You.

The Luau Velma variant can’t be unlocked through gameplay, and has to be bought with 1500 Gleamium (the game’s premium currency).

MultiVersus Velma guide – Fighting strategies

Velma is a ‘support’ character, which means her main aim is to make life easier for her partner.

She doesn’t believe in resorting to violence, which may be considered problematic in a fighting game, but thankfully many of her attack moves still do damage, albeit in an indirect way.

For example, her Side attack move has her shouting expressions like “jinkies” in large speech bubbles which harm her opponent, while her Up attack makes a light bulb appear above her head, hurting anyone in the way.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies
Velma can gather ‘evidence’ that lets her call the cops on her opponent

Velma’s main quirk, however, is her investigation gimmick. Most of her attacks and some of her specials have a chance to spawn ‘evidence’ when they land. These appear as small glowing pieces of paper.

If you collect enough evidence, Velma will be able to call a police car. When it turns up, she’ll tell them one of her opponents is actually Old Man Jenkins, which stuns them temporarily.

MultiVersus Velma guide – Moves

Motivational Speaker

(Neutral, ground or air)

This causes Velma to shout into a megaphone, causing a long beam of words reading “find the clues” to emerge.

This beam does damage to opponents and heals your ally, and has an extra ability depending on who it hits when it runs out.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

If it’s touching an opponent when it ends, it will give them a ‘weakened’ debuff and knock them back.

If it’s touching your ally, however, it will spawn a second beam, which is even stronger, from where they’re standing.

Both your beam and your ally’s beam (if it spawns) can be moved up and down with the stick.

Fast Thinker

(Side, ground)

Holding down the Special button when performing this makes Velma run on the spot as she charges up a sprint.

The longer you hold the button, the faster Velma will sprint forwards when you let it go, picking up any opponents she runs into.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

When Velma reaches the end of her run, any enemies she’s carrying will take damage and be thrown upwards.

Alternatively, if an ally can time it well, they can jump into Velma’s arms too as she runs forwards – this does extra damage and gives both Velma and her ally an armour buff.

Hit the Books

(Side, air)

Since Velma can’t exactly sprint in the air, doing a Side Special while airborne gives her a different move.

Hit the Books has Velma opening a textbook in the air, which causes her to burst forwards.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

The thing you need to bear in mind with this one is that Velma points the book in the opposite direction the stick is pointing, in order to dash in the same direction.

This means if you want to do damage with the move, you have to remember to hold the stick in the opposite direction of the opponent.

So if your opponent is standing to your right, you want to hold left on the stick while triggering the move.

Toxic Concoction

(Up, ground)

This move makes Velma spill a big puddle of unknown goo on the floor.

This goo has no effect on Velma or her ally, but the same can’t be said for her opponents.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

Anyone standing on the goo will slow down, and will also start building a ‘frozen’ stat. When this reaches its maximum, the opponent will become encased in ice.

This leaves them open to attack for a while, until they can button bash to smash the ice.


(Up, air)

Shutterbug is a tricky one to hit with but can be very effective once you get the timing right.

Performing the Up Special in the air makes Velma get out her camera and take a photo downwards.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

If the camera’s flash hits the opponent, it will cause both Velma and the opponent to bounce upwards (the opponent bouncing higher, naturally).

It’s also powerful to break an enemy’s armour, meaning if you’re encountered with something like Wonder Woman’s shield move, you can simply jump at her and snap a photo to shatter it.

Spread the Knowledge

(Down, ground or air)

Velma’s last attack has her literally throwing the book at her opponent. Exactly which book it is isn’t quite clear.

The book acts as a projectile attack, and does damage your opponent if it hits them.

MultiVersus Velma Guide: Moves and strategies

It also gives Velma an ‘educated’ buff, which makes her head grow a little bigger. While she’s in this state, her cooldown periods are shorter.

You can also apply this buff to your ally too, meaning any characters with a bunch of cooldown moves could really benefit from being teamed with Velma.

Ironically though, this move itself has an astronomical cooldown period, so use it wisely.

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