MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies

Learn all the moves and how to master Space Jam’s LeBron James in Warner Bros’ fighting game MultiVersus

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies
LeBron James, Rick and Morty were in the 'leaked' list from May, meaning it's likely legitimate

This MultiVersus LeBron James guide will give you the moves and strategies you need to master the NBA and Space Jam star.

If you want to know how to use LeBron’s special moves, this guide breaks them all down and gives tips on how to use them.

It also gives general strategies on the best way to use LeBron when fighting against opponents online.

And if you don’t even know who LeBron James is, we’ve got you covered there too.

For more MultiVersus guides and tips, consider reading our full MultiVersus guide for strategies on every character, as well as our MultiVersus unlockables guide which details unlockable variants, taunts, emotes and more.

Update - LeBron gets buffed

MultiVersus’ Season 1 patch has buffed LeBron a little, making him slightly more effective.

The new update makes his air side and neutral attacks branch earlier on hit, meaning players can pull off combos with him easier.

However, the L-Train move (his Side Special) no longer creates a shockwave when it hits the ground, unless it’s part of an alley-oop teleport. The guide has been changed to reflect this.

MultiVersus LeBron James guide – Who is LeBron?

LeBron James is one of the greatest basketball stars who ever lived.

In 2003 he made his NBA debut after being chosen as the first overall draft pick to play for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

LeBron would go on to play for the Miami Heat (where he won two NBA Championships), then return to Cleveland (where he won his third), then moved to the LA Lakers (where he won his fourth).

In 2022 he became the first player in NBA history to accumulate over 10,000 career points, rebounds and assists.

In 2021 he followed in Michael Jordan’s footsteps by starring alongside Bugs Bunny and friends in Space Jam: A New Legacy. It’s this version of LeBron who features in MultiVersus.

Despite being actually based on a real person, the MultiVersus version of LeBron isn’t voiced by LeBron himself. Instead, he’s voiced by John Eric Bentley, who previously voiced Barret in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

MultiVersus LeBron James guide – Skin variants

LeBron’s default skin is his blue and orange Tune Squad outfit from Space Jam: A New Legacy.

At launch, he has one variant, which is called Sheriff LeBron.

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies

This is based on a scene in the movie in which LeBron visits a Wild West world.

The Sheriff LeBron variant can’t be unlocked through gameplay, and has to be bought with 800 Gleamium (the game’s premium currency).

MultiVersus LeBron James guide – Fighting strategies

LeBron is a Bruiser class character, which means he isn’t shy to get up close and trading heavy hits with his opponents.

Despite this, though, his most obvious unique quirk is his ability to throw basketballs at his enemies, even from a distance.

At this early stage in the game MultiVersus isn’t exactly overflowing with in characters who have strong projectile attacks, so LeBron has an advantage in that respect.

LeBron can only hold one basketball at a time, and if his Netural Special is in cooldown he can’t just summon another one. However, hitting an enemy with a melee attack during cooldown will get you a new ball instantly.

Your partner can get in on the act with the ball too – if you hit them with a ball, it’ll attach to them. When they next perform a directional attack, they’ll also throw the ball in that direction.

MultiVersus LeBron James guide – Moves


(Neutral, ground or air)

Given that he’s a basketball player, it’s only natural that LeBron’s main move is his ability to throw basketballs.

As soon as you press the Special button, you can then hold a direction to direct the path of the throw: hold towards the opponent for a straighter arc, hold up for a higher one and hold down for a pass that bounces off the ground first.

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies

You can even press the stick in the opposite direction to where LeBron is facing to throw a trick pass behind him, surprising opponents who may not be expecting to be hit while standing there.

Pressing the Special button without a ball will make another one spawn in LeBron’s hand, but this has a lengthy cooldown, meaning you can’t just spam basketball projectiles and hope one hits.

If you miss a shot, you’re going to either have to wait a long time to spawn another ball, or get physical – hitting an opponent with a melee attack will instantly give you another ball without having to wait for the cooldown.


(Side, ground or air)

L-Train is a powerful move in which LeBron leaps into the air then dunks the ball downwards, turning him into a human projectile.

The downward movement can be directed to an extent, meaning if players try to move out of the way you still have a chance of hitting them.

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies
Even landing from here will create a shockwave long enough to hit the opponent, if you catch an alley-oop

When LeBron doesn’t have a ball, he’ll instead perform a fairly standard shoulder charge.

L-Train can also be used after you’ve hit your partner with a ball and stuck it to them. If they then throw the ball and hit an enemy with it, performing L-Train will warp LeBron to the ball and perform the dunk there, making for a pretty impressive double-attack if timed well.

What’s more, performing one of these alley-oop warms will also make a shockwave appear when the ball hits the ground, doing more damage to opponents.

Got Hops

(Up, ground or air)

Further improving LeBron’s skills as a projectile-throwing machine, Got Hops has him throwing a standard jump shot which sends the ball flying in a very high arc.

Naturally, as with the Buckets and L-Train moves, losing the ball will mean having to wait for the cooldown or hit an opponent to get another one.

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies

Got Hops can be performed in the air too, but note that LeBron will still jump upwards at the start of it, even though he’s not on the ground.

If you don’t have a ball and you perform Got Hops, the alternate move changes depending on whether you’re on the ground or in the air.

If you’re on the ground, LeBron will throw some chalk upwards, while if you’re in the air he’ll clap his hands upwards instead as if he’s blocking a shot. Both do damage to opponents.


(Down, ground or air)

You guessed it, Denied is yet another projectile move. This will make LeBron spike his ball directly downwards into the ground, making it bounce up and hit opponents above you.

Denied really comes into its own when you’re in the air, because if you perform it while directly above an opponent it’ll have a mild spike effect.

MultiVersus LeBron James Guide: Moves and strategies

Do it when you’re both over a pit and you’ll have a good chance of knocking them off the bottom of the stage.

As ever, you need to have a ball to perform the above moves. If you don’t have one, LeBron will instead adopt a blocking stance while a fence appears around him.

This will block projectiles for a brief period, and if you manage to block one you’ll instantly get a new ball.

MultiVersus Guides

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