MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

Learn how to master the Friday the 13th villain in Warner Bros’ fighting game MultiVersus

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

Jason Voorhees is one of the most interesting new characters in MultiVersus.

The slasher movie villain has been a part of horror movie legend ever since 1980, and there are few characters in the whole of popular culture who have a look as iconic as his hockey mask.

As the first horror movie character to be added to the game’s roster, Jason’s appearance opens up the door to a bunch of other Warner Bros monsters to make their way into the game in the future.

If you’re not familiar with him, Jason originally appeared right at the end of the original Friday the 13th. The story went that in the ’60s, Jason was a young boy who drowned while at summer camp in Camp Crystal Lake, while the teen counsellors were too busy goofing off and messing around.

In the first movie, Jason’s mother returns to the camp to start killing the counsellors but is stopped (permanently) when her head is lopped off. From the second film onwards, Jason himself becomes the killer.

Usually seen wearing his hockey mask (which he first found in Friday the 13th Part III: 3D), Jason is a seemingly unstoppable zombie killer with incredible strength.

A total of 12 movies in the Friday the 13th series have been released to date with all manner of weird plots,  from Part VII (where Jason fights a girl with psychic powers), to Part VIII (where Jason gets on a boat and goes to New York), to Jason X (where he goes to space).

He’s a brilliant addition to MultiVersus, but what can he do and what’s the best way to play as him? All is revealed in our guide below.

Jason guide – fighting strategies

Jason is a Tank fighter, which means he can deal out massive damage and can also absorb a great deal of it – just like in his movies.

This does also mean he’s one of the slowest fighters in the game, which means it’s often useful to pair him up with a quicker fighter in 2v2 matches, so he can attract attention and soak up the hits while his partner can attack with less pressure on them.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables
Jason’s charged Standard Up attack has him folding a bed and slamming it shut, doing big damage to anyone it hits.

Because of his strength, Jason is clearly better at close quarters, so try your best to get as close to your enemies as possible. Many of his best moves are grab attacks, after all.

With no projectiles, getting into long-distance fights can become a problem, but at least his Mist Step will let you pass through projectiles and get closer to opponents in one move, so make use of that.

Essentially, act like Jason does in the movies – don’t ever stop moving towards your opponent.

Jason guide – Special moves

Unstoppable Rage

(Neutral, ground)

Pressing the Special button on its own while standing will make Jason damage himself a little, replacing his lost health with ‘grey health’ (which is health that can’t be healed).

This makes Jason angry – you would be too if you traded good health for slightly less useful health – but this brings with it some benefits.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

While he’s angry, Jason moves faster and his next attack not only does more damage, but has a better knockback, making it easier to KO opponents.

It only works for one attack, however, then the effects wear off – even if you miss.

A good strategy, then, might be to team up with a partner who has a move which temporarily freezes an opponent in place, so you can get angry and hit them with a huge attack.

The Slasher

(Neutral, air)

Jason’s huge size means he had pretty good reach for a guy with no projectiles.

His mid-air Neutral Special move is a good example of this, because performing it makes him reach one of his huge arms out to grab his opponent.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

He’ll then stab them twice before slashing them out of the way.

The Slasher is a pretty no-nonsense move but it’s a good way to get multiple hits into any opponents who like to jump a lot.

Mist Step

(Side, ground or air)

One of the most mysterious things about Jason in the Friday the 13th movies is how he always manages to just appear at the most inopportune times.

This Mist Step move may explain it – performing it makes Jason walk into the background, shrouded by mist, then reappear further along the stage.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

It’s a good way of avoiding projectiles while also getting closer to opponents who are far away.

That’s not to say it’s useless in close-quarters combat, mind you – if any opponents are in the way of the mist when you step into it, they’ll take damage.

No Escape

(Up, ground)

Another example of Jason’s enormous reach, No Escape has him reaching his hatchet high into the air.

If he hits an opponent on his upswing, he’ll catch them with the hatchet and carry them along for the ride.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

He’ll then slam the hatchet back down to the ground with great force, popping them up into the air (for combo potential).

It’s a good job there are no Fatalities in MultiVersus because this move would be particularly gory.

Risen Strike

(Up, air)

Another way of dealing with pesky jump-happy opponents, the Risen Strike can tag them with ease.

It’s a simple jumping attack which sees Jason leaping upwards with his machete high in the air.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

This is basically Jason’s equivalent of a Dragon Punch, because it’s swung at just the right angle to hit anyone immediately above and in front of you.

It’s also his only real way of avoiding falling off the bottom of the screen, which isn’t ideal because it’s not a massive thrust.

Sweet Dreams

(Down, ground)

Based on possibly the most famous death in Friday the 13th history, Sweet Dreams has Jason swinging a sleeping bag at his opponent.

If he manages to catch them, the opponent will be trapped in the sleeping bag, with Jason carrying them around.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

You now have a limited amount of time to slam them into the ground a couple of times, doing damage.

You can then finish it off with an Olympian-strength hammer throw, launching the sleeping back across the stage (and, with any luck, right off it).

Down and Out

(Down, air)

Jason’s last special move is a simple downward swipe, which attacks enemies from above.

It’s reasonably decent for knocking mid-air enemies down off the screen, and does moderate damage.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

If you perform it low enough to the ground, you’ll get a bonus second hit when Jason lands.

It’s maybe a little too fiddly to pull off reliably, though.

Jason skin variants

At the time of writing this guide, Jason only has one alternate skin.

It’s based on his appearance at the end of Jason X, where a bunch of nanobots take over him and turn him into a mutated, robot-like killer who’s even more deadly.

MultiVersus Jason guide: Moves, perks, strategies and unlockables

Whereas most skins in MultiVersus are bought with some currency or another, the Jason X skin is instead earned.

It’s the final reward in the Premium Tier of the Battle Pass.

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