All Crane Flight locations – Infinity Nikki Folklore Guide
Can we have Crane Flight at home?

There are eleven Crane Flight locations hidden all around the town of Florawish, the first major hub of the Infinity Nikki main story. Here’s where you’ll find them all to get some easy Diamonds from the Folklore Guide.
Not only do you get rewards for clearing a single Crane Flight challenge, but a few unique rewards as you discover and beat a bunch of them. Find and complete all 11 hidden across Florawish for an even better prize.
How to unlock box games in Infinity Nikki
These creative tabletop titles use pop-up paper cranes, trees, and rocks on a traveling track to create a neat manual challenge.
You can technically play the games before this, but you won’t add them to your log or get their rewards until you properly unlock the Folklore Guide feature.
You unlock the ability to get box game rewards like Crane Flight by completing Ciceto’s quest in Florawish. You’ll find Ciceto watching a small group gush over a Crane Flight game box in Florawish.
From the Florawish Lane teleporter, which you’ll have unlocked when you first reached the town, just head under the big bridge into town and take a right.
Once you’ve gotten far enough into the story to unlock the Pear-Pal, speak to him to unlock the app needed to log your runs and earn rewards.
After that, open the Pear-Pal and swipe to the second screen to find the Folklore Guide app.
You’ll also find your record of each game box featured across the three other areas, including Mable King in Breezy Meadow, Among Piecey’s in the Abandoned District, and Wishing Orb Express in Wishing Wood.
All Florawish Crane Flight locations
Here’s where to head to log all 11 Crane Flight games to the Infinity Nikki Folklore Guide app:
Crane Flight #1

You’ll find the first Crane Flight game by a house toward the Florawish Lane exit. You should have the teleport here from when you first arrived at the town.
Just head up the path and under the bridge. It’s on your right.
Crane Flight #2

The second Crane Flight box game can be found at the back of the Stylist Guild’s main floor. Head left as you enter and straight down to the end of the hall.
Crane Flight #3

You should spot this Crane Flight game box on a table by a store in the Wishtree Square. Face the entrance to the main clothing store and it’s a couple doors down to the right. That’s clockwise.
Crane Flight #4

Once you’re far enough through the story to meet the little Fairy girl, you’ll find this Crane Flight game in the corner of the Daisy Inn.
Crane Flight #5

The fifth Crane Flight challenge is all the way in the Northeastern outskirts of Florawish. It’s in one of the crumbled towers now known as the Secret Base. Who claimed it?
Crane Flight #6

There’s a Crane Flight box game set up on a small table in Laymona’s front garden on the east side of Florawish. It’s opposite the Kingdom Guards office.
Crane Flight #7

The first Crane Flight game of the second page can be found inside Ray and Wing’s—the tall restaurant due east of the Florawish centre.
Head inside and it’ll be on your immediately left, sitting there like an entertainment offering for those waiting to shown to their seats.
Crane Flight #8
We haven’t found this Crane Flight yet. Check back soon.
Crane Flight #9
We haven’t found this Crane Flight game yet. Check back soon.
Crane Flight #10

This one is found at lower part of Flora Wharf—the pier area on the eastern side of Florawish. Just take an immediate right as you go down the short main staircase leading to the ticket booth.
Crane Flight #11

The final Crane Flight level is found outside a large house down the road from the Stitch Street teleporter.
You can head back to Ciceto whenever the Folklore Guide app says rewards are available at the bottom. Chat to him to report your progress to nab 25 Diamonds from time to time. If you’ve found a bunch since your last chat, just repeat the same dialogue option to claim them all.