How to unlock Academy Ace Tournament in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
How to unlock and all trainers

Academy Ace Tournament is the final part of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s post-game.
It’s a series of hard battles against some of the strongest trainers in the game and is also key to unlocking 6 star raids.
Getting to the tournament can be a bit tricky, and the battles themselves are fierce, so here’s everything you need to know about the Academy Ace Tournaments in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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How to unlock Academy Ace Tournament: Complete the Gym rematches

Firstly, you need to complete the eight Gym rematches that open once you’ve become Champion of the Pokemon League. You can do these in any order, with all battles featuring around 65-73 level Pokemon.
How to unlock Academy Ace Tournament: All possible trainers

Trainer Data and teams via Serebii
When you first face the Academy Ace Tournament, you’ll face the same set of trainers as every other player, however following this, the trainers in the bracket are a random group from a selection of the toughest trainers in the game.
Ace Academy Tournament First Tournament
Pokémon Trainer Arven
- Greedent (Level 67)
- Cloyster (Level 67)
- Scovillain (Level 67)
- Toedscruel (Level 67)
- Garganacl (Level 67)
- Mabosstiff (Level 67)
Instructor Jacq
- Arcanine (Level 65)
- Lurantis (Level 65)
- Swalot (Level 65)
- Mudsdale (Level 65)
- Slowbro (Level 65)
- Farigiraf (Level 66)
Instructor Dendra
- Falinks
- Tauros
- Tauros
- Medicham
- Hawlucha
- Hariyama
Top Champion Geeta
- Espathra
- Gogoat
- Veluza
- Avaluff
- Kingambit
- Glimmora
Ace Academy Tournament All Trainers
Elite Four Hassel
- Noivern (Level 67)
- Haxorus (Level 67)
- Dragalge (Level 67)
- Flapple (Level 67)
- Dragonite (Level 67)
- Baxcalibur (Level 68)
Nurse Miriam
- Hypno (Level 65)
- Pincurchin (Level 65)
- Sawsbuck (Level 65)
- Glalie (Level 65)
- Eelektross (Level 65)
- Toxapex (Level 66
Instructor Raifort
- Zoroark (Level 65)
- Seviper (Level 65)
- Grumpig (Level 65)
- Lumineon (Level65)
- Scizor (Level 65)
- Gengar (Level 66)
Instructor Saguaro
- Pachirisu (Level 65)
- Froslass (Level 65)
- Alomomola (Level 65)
- Vespiqueen (Level 65)
- Goodra (Level 65)
- Hatterene (Level 66)
Instructor Salvatore
- Honchkrow (Level 65)
- Persian (Level 65)
- Palossand (Level 65)
- Glaceon (Level 65)
- Gothitelle (Level 65)
- Raichu (Level 67)
Instructor Tyme
- Lycanroc (Level 65)
- Lycanroc (Level 65)
- Drednaw (Level 65)
- Stonjourner (Level 65)
- Coalossal (Level 65)
- Garganacl (Level 65)
Pokémon Trainer Penny
- Umbreon (Level 69)
- Vaporeon (Level 69)
- Jolteon (Level 69)
- Flareon (Level 69)
- Leafeon (Level 69
- Sylveon (Level 70)
Champion Nemona
- Lycanroc (Level 71)
- Goodra (Level 71)
- Dundunsparce (Level 71)
- Orthworm (Level 71)
- Pawmot (Level 71)
- Meowscarada / Quaquaval / Skeledirge (Level 72)