How to open Vashtan Wolfe door Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Curious how to open the Vashtan Wolfe door in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to open Vashtan Wolfe door Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Vashtan Wolfe is a character that you’ll find early in Star Wars Jedi Survivor as you explore Koboh.

While you don’t see his character at first, you’ll be able to hear them taunt you from behind a large door, which can’t be opened. You’ll hear them discuss treasure, which is the crate that is behind you as you enter the area.

But how do you open the Vashtan Wolfe door? Well, you won’t be able to do it for a while, but once you can, you’ll be able to access the treasure that Vashtan Wolfe is talking about, even if it is a bit disappointing.

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How to open Vashtan Wolfe door Star Wars Jedi Survivor

How to open Vashtan Wolfe door Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Vashtan Wolfe is in the Derelict Dam area of Koboh, in a small corridor off to the side of the cave in which you encounter a roller bomb droid for the first time. Once there, you’ll see a large door, and in the top right-hand corner, you’ll see a massive blue battery.

Vashtan Wolfe will tell you about a treasure that’s in the room with you, which is the crate. However, opening this crate is tied to the blue battery, which is something you can’t access yet.

To open the crate, you’re going to have to continue through the story until you unlock the Electro Dart upgrade for BD-1. That’s the key to opening blue battery doors in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Once you return, you can open the chest, and you’ll also get the chance to fight Vashtan Wolfe, one of the game’s legendary enemies. Unfortunately, all that’s waiting in the crate is another weapon material, one of the more disappointing side quest rewards.

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