How to open blue battery doors Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Unsure how to open blue battery doors in Star Wars Jedi Survivor? Well, you’ll have to play through a larger portion of the game than you might expect.

How to open blue battery doors Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Unsure how to open blue battery doors in Star Wars Jedi Survivor? Well, you’ll have to play through a larger portion of the game than you might expect.

When you arrive on Koboh and begin to explore, you might find that several of the game’s paths are blocked off to you at the start of the game.

The blue battery doors can not only be used for unlocking doors but can also unlock collectible chests.

But how do you open the blue battery doors that you can find around Koboh? While you have access to plenty of these right at the start of the game, you’re going to have to play through a solid chunk of the game before you’re given this essential upgrade.

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How to open blue battery doors Star Wars Jedi Survivor

In order to open the blue battery doors in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, you have to continue to play the game until you get a specific upgrade for BD-1. The events surrounding this upgrade are a bit of a spoiler, so we won’t be specific, but just know that you can’t miss this upgrade.

On Cal’s journey, you’ll be asked to investigate the huge Lucrehulk that’s crashed into the swamp in Koboh. During that mission, you’ll experience a flashback that lets you learn the skill.

Once you’ve finished that mission, you can then use the skill in the open world.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (PS5)
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Xbox Series X/S)
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