How to increase hearts and stamina in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Looking to upgrade your health and stamina? Find out how here

If you’re wondering how to increase hearts and stamina in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’re in the right place.
As you progress through Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’re going to face several challenges that may require more health or stamina.
While climbing towers isn’t as big a focus of Tears of the Kingdom as it was in Breath of the Wild, there are certainly some quests later in the game that are going to require you to have at least two bars of stamina, which is multiple upgrades.
But where in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom do you increase hearts and stamina? Keep reading to find out.
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How to increase hearts and stamina in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

In order to increase hearts and stamina in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’re going to have to do a few things.
Firstly, you’re doing to have to complete a fair number of shrines. These shrines are dotted all over the map, you’ll recognize the green glowing beams that circle them. You’ll have completed several of them during the tutorial section, which is also where you’ll get your first heart upgrade, but it might not be entirely clear where you’re supposed to get the rest.
From these shrines, you’ll be given Spirit Orbs. These are what is spent in order to get the upgrades you need for Link, and you’ll certainly need them as the game goes on.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Goddess Statue locations

You’ll need to take four Spirit Orbs to a shrine in order to pick an upgrade. You’ll be able to pick one of either a new heart or a percentage increase on your stamina, which amounts to around a fifth of a bar.
In order to do this you’ll need to locate the Goddess Statues like the ones shown in the image above. They can be found in any large city, and if you’re really struggling to find one, you can fast-travel to the Temple of Time in order to reuse the one that you first encountered in the game’s prologue.